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Dallas POV

I ain't understand what's going on? Two-bit and Soda are whispering about something bit my body hurts too much to try and make out the words. Two thinks I like Soda, he thinks I like guys. He seems to like someone but again, I wasn't really listening after they started taking. Honestly, maybe it's cause the beating in my ears is really loud, cause I'm really trying to listen but I can't hear them..just small noises.

Soda's face is red and Keith is smirking while looking back and forth at us. "What?" I mumbled. "You like Sodapop?" He whispered..I think. I shook my head. "Ion think so, man" I replied. Sodas smile faded slightly. "Two-bit go hang out somewhere else, Soda ain't working so he's alone" Two smiled wider. He stood up. "I'll be back, don't think this conversation is over" He said as he pointed to Soda then me.

He left and it was just me and Soda again. "Good morning." I looked over at him, he was in his own world, not listening to me. I'm not one to like anyone, no one at all. This thing we had when he got back was fake, it was just a show I put on to help. It's been almost a month and a half though, and now it isn't fake at all. There's been multiple times I've felt the need to kiss him, like now. The thought make my stomach fill with butterflies.

I sighed and he looked over at me. "He's never gonna let it go" he said. "I know," I 4olled my eyes. "Hey Dal, don't take this the wrong way, but did you really mean what you said? Y'know, when he asked you if you like me..more than a friend?" He asked. I stared at him, I was kinda shocked. I shrugged in response. "Thats not an answer Dallas" I heard him say. He sounded upset. "Why does it even matter, man?" I asked. "It just does" He argued. "But it doesn't." I made sure to sound serious. He looked down. "I just wanna know" He mumbled. His voice cracked like he was about to cry. "So what if I was lying? What would it matter" I said. I felt bad, but I wouldn't let it show. He looked away completely and nodded. Dammit..

I sat there for a second and he didn't turn back. Did I make him cry? "Soda"
"What?" I heard a quiet sniffle. "Look at me" I said. He shook his head. "C'mon man, just look at me" I poked his arm and be slowly turned towards me, wiping the falling tears off his face. Before I could even decide if I wanted to, I hugged him. Not hug, I kissed him. He kissed me back. I pulled away slowly. He stared at me and I felt my ears get hot of embarrassment. Then he leaned in and kissed me, it caught me off guard but I kissed back. His hands slithered up the back of my shirt which caused chills to run down my spine. When we pulled apart it was just to catch our breath.

"We'll I'll be damned," I jumped at the sound of someone else. "So I'm not so dumb after all" I turned to see two standing in the doorway. Soda sat down completely, I hadn't even noticed he was starting to push me onto my back. "I was gone for 20 minutes and come back to a heated make-out session" He said with a smile. "What about that hickey there on your neck, aye two?" Soda said. He giggled as he said it, which obviously made me smile as well. His face went red and he stared at Soda with his eyebrow raised. "Now Ion know what your talkin about"

I leaned my back against the couch. "I can go if ya want, maybe I'll go fuck with curly" He said with a smile. Oh boy, not Tim's brother. I shook my head. "Just sit down and shut up, there's some cake if you want it." I said. Two perked up and ran off to the kitchen. Soda was still smiling, and I was too. Though, it just happened, it'll never happen again. It was a mistake.

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