PB&J <3

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Johnny POV

Dallas and Soda are together. Nobody would ever think that they would be but they are. Its funny, because me and Dallas used to be together until he kept getting thrown in jail and I couldn't take it anymore. After we broke up me and Pony started hanging out more and then a few months later I killed bob..then we went to dally and he sent us to that stupid church. When we were there I had to cuddle with Ponyboy to keep warm and accidentally told him I loved him. Now me and Pony are together so I guess almost dying was ok.

At first, being with somebody like Ponyboy was weird..but not because ponyboy is a bad person, or even 'partner', but mainly because in a sense he's clingy. Dallas never was. Since he had different interest like partying, and I didn't like to go to them. I barely ever saw him, even when he was out of prison. But ponyboy is always around. Other than when he's at school. He's a different person around me. As soon as everyone is gone he turns more soft and sweet 5han a greaser, as in "Johnny, can we cuddle" in the lot or asking for permission to hug me or just a simple kiss. Though, it's been a few months and I've really gotten used to it.


A few weeks ago Ponyboys school was having some dance and since I'm not in school I couldn't go. He was going to but then decided not to, only because he took me to some place I've never even seen around here. It was some kind of empty building with a few dim lights and some music player on. He showed me how to do some dance where his hands are on my wist and mine are around my neck. We stayed there for a while. Honestly it's probably the safest I've ever felt. If he ever had to shift his hand he'd quickly apologize and then would look down.

He really does make me happy..I hope it lasts, I don't need another heartbreak

Well..poor Johnny. Anyways, Stan them

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