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Mal P.O.V

I woke up and started getting ready for school when suddenly my arm started shaking and burning. I tried controlling my arm but it kept shaking harder and burning. Thats when Aurora walked into our room. I hid my arm behind my back.

"Girls, time to get up! You don't wanna be late!" Aurora said before turning and noticing me looking a bit nervous.

"You okay?" Aurora asked

"Yeah Im fine. Just give me a minute." I replied. I waited till Aurora left to pull my arm from behind and discover some sort of symbol appearing on my arm. What is happening to me?!

I look into the mirror and briefly saw my BIRTH mother in the mirror. She reached out trying to grab me but I flipped the mirror before she could even get her arm out of the mirror. Audrey finally woke up. Woah that girl really is a heavy sleeper.

"(Yahn) What time is it?" Audrey asked

"Its uh 7:30. School doesn't start until 8:10 and its not a far walk so you don't need to hurry." I said. I made sure not to let Audrey see my arm because I didn't want her to get worried and to get our mom involved and then have her worry and panic and all that. I just really don't need the stress right now. Im probably just seeing things, although I am worried about the symbol on my arm that and my arm is KILLING me so bad.

I walked out of our room and went to the bathroom to wash my face. The Lights flickered a bit and I saw a dark hallway with a glowing green spinning wheel at the end of the hallway in the mirror. When it got completely dark, the mirror glass went away. I hear a slight voice coming from the hallway calling my name but I ignored it. Or at least tried to.

That's when My Mother appeared in the shower

"Hello Mal..." My mom said with her famous devious smile that could frighten even the most cold hearted on the isle

"Why won't you just leave me alone?!!!" I shouted

"Is that any way to talk to your mother?!"

"You aren't my mother and never will!!"

"Who is then?! Sleeping Beauty?! (Sneers) what a joke! That pretentious little princess is ruining you! No wonder why Your father abandoned you! He left because of you! You must hate your father."

I finally snapped on her. No way in the isle and I'm gonna let my mother trash talk my father who still wants to give me a chance.

"No!! I do not hate my father! He didn't leave because of me he left to get away from YOU!"

"Aurora has made you soft!! Pathetic! You were once my daughter! Now you are a burden!"

"Good. If I'm such a burden why won't you let me live my life how I want to and just leave me!!"

"Well even burdens need to be punished now don't they? (Cackles) I think it's time to go back to the isle"

"No!!!! I am not going with you and never will!!!"

I tried open the door but it was locked. Perfect. I started to cry a little. Isn't this day just great?

"Aww are you sad? (Cackles) yes! That's what I like to seee! Pure suffering."

My mom grabbed me and started dragging me to this green portal. I trashed and locked and screamed


I finally broke out of my moms grip and collapsed to the ground. The lights turn back on and my mom and the green portal were gone. Aurora and Phillip and Audrey all rushed into the room with Stefan, Flora, Fauna and Marryweather in tow.

Descendants 4: Heros and Villansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें