Twins Of Mystery

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Pokunyan is the first one to wake up and look around to see them in the middle of the forest. He freaked out and shook Pikkunyan to wake up, "Pikku! Pikkunyan wake up!"
"Huh? What..." Pikkunyan is still drowsy then looks shocked when he realizes he's in the forest as well, "Where are we!?"
"I don't know but we need to get out of here!" Pokunyan said as he stands up, "Foxy! Foxy! Where are you!?"
"Foxy is not there..." Pikkunyan told him.
"She got to be here! She's a good listener when she hears my voice so she got to be coming for us." Pokunyan said being hopeful.
"I doubt it. She probably somewhere else." Pikkunyan replied.
"No! She must be with us!" Pokunyan shouted, "You don't like her, don't you?!"
"I do like Foxy but I love her as a person not as a thing with a purpose. We will deal with Foxy later, I'm sure she be fine. In the meantime, we will focus on surviving." Pikkunyan said.
Pokunyan groans a bit, "fine... let's find an elevator or something so we can leave."
"That's the spirit. Now let's go." Pikkunyan leads away.
"At least when we get home we need a Foxy tracker..." Pokunyan grumbled.
They were walking to look for something to escape but they saw a building nearby.
"What is this place?" Pikkunyan asked.
"It said 'Mystery Shack' maybe is country food. I'm hungry." Pokunyan replied.
"Yeah or maybe something mysterious inside..." Pikkunyan tried to be scary.
"Yeah right. We're scary." Pokunyan rolled his eyes.
"Don't be pouty," Pikkunyan told him.
Then suddenly a bus went past them and stop at the Mystery Shack. A pair of twins of boy and girl came out along with a pig.
"Ahh, the Mystery Shack! I miss you so much!" A girl cheered.
"I wondered how Soos is doing with the place." A boy said.
"Alright Waddles, ready for snacking?" The girl asked her pig. The pig smells something and ran to Pikkunyan to tackle him.
"Gah! Help! Crazy pig!" He screamed.
"Hey get your hoofs off my brother!" Pokunyan tried to grab the pig.
"Waddles stop!" The boy panicked and grab the pig.
"Aww Waddles playing with kitties!" The girl squealed.
"Do kitties wear normal clothes and stand on two feet?" The boy asked.
"We can talk," Pikkunyan said.
"WHAT!?" The boy screamed, "is Bill back?!"
"Who's Bill?" Pokunyan asked.
"Don't mind him. He's always paranoid like our great uncle said." The girl laughed.
"My brother gets a little scared as well when his things are missing," Pikkunyan said.
"PIKKUNYAN!" Pokunyan yelled.
The girl laughed, "You two are hilarious! I'm Mabel and this is my scared brother, Dipper."
"Well I'm Pikkunyan and this is my scared brother, Pokunyan," Pikkunyan smirked.
"Stop it!" Dipper and Pokunyan shouted together.
"So what bring you guys here?" Mabel asked.
"Well we got sucked in by a storm... and we got lost..." Pikkunyan explains.
"You guys have seen Foxy?" Pokunyan asked.
"Uhhh... no..." Dipper is confused.
"Awww man!" Pokunyan groans.
"Hey don't be sad..." Mabel picks him up and hugs him.
"So warm..." Pokunyan then purrs.
"Well... we're here to visit our friends," Dipper said.
"Cool, can we come?" Pikkunyan asked.
"No!" Pokunyan screamed.
"Aww of course! Plus Waddles want new friends to play as well." Mabel replied.
"Oh geez..." Pikkunyan sighed. Waddles tackles Pikkunyan and licks his face.

The two sets of twins went inside of the Mystery Shack. Pikkunyan went ahead to check around the statures and weird things. Pokunyan look interested in it so he tried to touch it but someone slap his hand with a staff.
"Hey, weird cat! Don't touch the merchandise!" There's a fat man with an old black suit and maroon brown fez smiled.
"Soos!" Dipper and Mabel hugged their friend.
"Uhh... are you guys freaking out that we're Yokai?" Pokunyan asked.
"Yokai?" Dipper tried to pronounce the word.
"Yeah, we're ghosts," Pikkunyan replied.
"Mm more like Category 1 than a 10." Dipper checking Pikkunyan up and down.
"Oh... but we can transform into scary monsters!" Pikkunyan grins evilly, "BOO!"
Dipper screamed, "Stop it!" Mabel and their friend Soos laughed a bit from it.
"Now... I'm hungry..." Pikkunyan tried to be spooky, "We must have food!"
"We on it!" Mabel replied and walk off acting like she's possessed.
"Pikkunyan knock it off!" Pokunyan said angrily.
"Come on. At least we get food." Pikkunyan giggled.
"Ugh, fine." Pokunyan groans.
In the living room, Pikkunyan is eating hot wings while watching tv then drinking a bottle of soda.
"Hey what are you watching?" Pokunyan asked.
"A horror movie..." Pikkunyan replied.
The nyan twins watch the horror movie together as well as the eating and drinking.
"That monster reminds me of Foxy," Pikkunyan said.
"So you said she's a monster!?" Pokunyan gasped.
"No! No! She's amazing! The monster wants to know her purpose. She is not made to be scary or scare others. She wants to fit in and find someone who loves." Pikkunyan replied.
"So Foxy is made for a reason..." Pokunyan said.
"Yes to be like us," Pikkunyan replied.
"I made her be someone who loves me for me... and she acts like a normal Yokai..." Pokunyan bows his head.
"Is alright. I can see in her eyes she is interested in someone... if we meet up with her, we will let her make her own decision." Said Pikkunyan.
Pokunyan sighed, "Alright."
They both saw Dipper and Mabel that seems to be eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Hey! What are you two doing here!?" Pokunyan shouted.
"We're the ones who visit here..." Mabel replied.
"Is something wrong?" Dipper asked.
"Well... is a long story..." Pokunyan replied.
"We all ears!" Mabel then drags Dipper and Waddles to sit down to listen to their story.
"Ugh, Mabel!" Dipper growled a bit then ask them, "Where you two come from anyway?"
"Well... we got sucked in by a storm and some of our friends and few high schoolers got sucked in as well," Pikkunyan explained.
"Is 9 of us who got suck in the storm. Our invention is one of us..." Pokunyan added.
"Your invention." Mabel is interested.
Pokunyan shows them the blueprints of Foxy, "This is our Futuristic Official X-robotics Yokai. She is made like us. A real Yokai girl."
"Wow... she seems interested," Dipper replied.
"Do your Futuristic Official X-robotics Yokai love sweaters?" Mabel asked.
"Well Foxy is programmed to love girly things so... yeah..." Pokunyan answered.
"Yay!" Mabel hugs Pokunyan, "Don't worry... you will enjoy the strange things in Gravity Falls."
"Gravity Falls?" Pikkunyan is confused.
"Yeah, Gravity Falls, Oregon. We are visiting Soos for a week and we will video chat our great uncles. They are interested when they see you." Said Dipper.
"Mm, hey bro, I think seeing strange things around here. I think I would love it here." Pikkunyan grinned.
"Well... okay... I love strange things... Syilvnyan and Foxy can wait." Pokunyan replied then got an idea then tried to look scary, "You humans are in control and you show us the town!"
Mabel pretends she's possessed, "Yes my twins!"
"Alright stop that Mabel..." Dipper rolled his eyes.
"Fine. I guess we go to Category 10 of our Yokai forms." Pikkunyan smirked.
Dipper got nervous, "Woah okay. We can take you."
"Thanks!" Pokunyan and Pikkunyan replied and follows them to give a tour of the town. Waddles ran to them and tackle Pikkunyan offscreen.
"Gah! Waddles!" Pikkunyan whines.


(The Pine Twins, Pikkunyan, Pokunyan and Waddles came out the comic)

Pokunyan: At least we have a brother who with me even the Storm have got us!

Dipper: well that's what siblings are for.

Pikkunyan: hey we sometimes fight. Like how ridiculous on why make Foxy as a robotic girlfriend because of his insecurities.

Pokunyan: HEY!

Mabel: hey I can tease Dipper when he met Wendy who is old kinda older than him.

Pikkunyan: whaaaa? Dude.

Dipper: but is over now!

Pokunyan: anyway is time for Dimensional-Era Secret Headcanon, Back then, Pikkunyan gather every girl in our grade on his special book that he maybe ask one of them out.

Pikkunyan: NOT TRUE!

Pokunyan: ohh don't tell me Foxy is on the list or Yuganyan?

Pikkunyan: if I dated Yuganyan, Smashinyan would Busta Wolf me!

Mabel: Ha you two are funny...

Pokunyan: anyway... we are on the tour with those guys. Hope Syilvnyan is not too worried about us. She such a wimp sometimes.

Pikkunyan: Anyway, Gloien is there with that weird goat guy... he such a snob.

Dipper: Like Pacifica?

Pokunyan: who ever she is. Anyway, last character in the different world. Chapter 13: The Goat Of The Sea. Hope Gloien is okay...

Pikkunyan: he be alright. See ya!

(To Be Continued)

Twinklnyan Adventures 5: The Dimensional StormHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin