The Storm Creator

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The figure arrived at the abandoned building that look a lot like a stadium. Another figure is waiting for her in her chair.
"What is your status?" The second figure asked.
Then the figure took off her cloak, "Is that freakish cat. He easily got out of my control... he must be a strong Yokai." She's a pink dinosaur with ginger hair with Heterochromic eyes that are green and orange.
"Oh Lofty... you got to be stronger with your powers... you did a good job by bringing your first human from a different world." The leader sighed.
"I know but what should I do?" Lofty asked.
"Well my gem told me that I needed that alien so things will be back the way they were... so is time to find him somewhere by using my creativity to destroy all of the dimensions." The leader said.
"Alright." Lofty agreed as she watched her leader fly off to make another storm then stared at the girl she controlled, "Don't worry, I like you but there's a lot of friends to play as my puppets. At least you're my favorite, Anne."
The leader is above the stadium and power up her gem to make a storm, "Oh mighty storm! I summon you to destroy the dimensional universe! Be strong and destructive!" Dark clouds came out of her palms and they blast off to the sky.
In space, the dark clouds spread out pretty quickly that it covers the dimensional space.
"Yes... now Lofty, let's search for the alien. I can feel him nearby." The leader told her.
"On it." Lofty replied then put her soul power to Anne which put her to sleep, "I will be back for you." She flies off with the leader.

With Libranyan, she earned her title as a demon slayer but she got a couple of bruises but Tanjiro is holding her by his back.
"I did it... that demon looks scary but I did it," Libranyan said.
"Yeah, and you get a new sword very soon," Tanjiro replied.
"Yay!" Libranyan cheered. Then she saw the dark clouds that are familiar to her, "Tanjiro..."
"What is it?" Tanjiro look at the sky, "maybe is going to rain but it doesn't smell like one."
"We need to be inside! This is bad!" Libranyan panicked.
"Alright... the masters have probably gotten your sword by now," Tanjiro replied and carries Libranyan back to the mansion.
With Orga, she, Michiru, and Shirou just finished defeating the bad guys and were about to head back but then Orga spotted the storm.
"What the?" Orga just turn back into her normal self.
"What's going on?" Michiru asked.
"It just rains. We are fine." Shirou replied.
"I don't know... it felt ominous to me..." Michiru felt shivering.
"Is the same color that sucks me in... we got to go inside... now!" Orga told them.
"If you say so..." Michiru replied and ran off with Shirou to follow Orga.
With Sharla, she and Sakurai are outside when Tomoyo shows her new outfits for Sharla but Syaoran ran to them and panting.
"Li, what's wrong?" Sakura asked.
"The storm is coming... but didn't feel a Clow Card..." Syaoran replied.
"Maybe is just rain..." Tomoyo said.
"I'm afraid is not rain... we got to head home Sakura," Sharla told her as she look horrified.
"Aww, I thought we having a picnic later..." Kero whines.
"Not now Kero!" Sakura, as she grab him too, ran off with Sharla. Syaoran and Tomoyo are following them.
"Aw come on!" Kero screamed.

With the Nyan twins, they arrived back home after their tour and they got tired so they lay on the grass.
"That was fun... Syilvnyan will love it here..." Pokunyan sighed.
"Yeah, I don't wanna leave..." Pikkunyan replied.
"But what about your Foxy friend?" Dipper came up to them.
"Oh no, Foxy!" Pokunyan got up quickly.
"Okay... one of you has a crush on a robot..." Mabel teased.
"No, we don't!" Pokunyan and Pikkunyan said in unison, "Hey! Since when! Stop it!"
The Pines twins laughed then notice the sky is dark. They turn to see is cloudy.
"Well is gonna rain let head inside," Dipper said.
"I don't think is rain..." Pokunyan looks scared.
"Yeah... clouds are gray... and it's the same one that got us here in the first place!" Pikkunyan grabs Mabel to run inside. Pokunyan then grabbed Dipper but didn't notice his glasses drop to the ground.
With Foxy, she almost came home with Rex and Tora with their boxes. Foxy got tired from all the fighting she sits down.
"Foxy's tired," Poppi said.
"Foxy, you alright." Her blade Ayame asked.
"I'm fine... need to recharge..." Foxy said. When she was about to sleep, she spotted a purple cloud nearby which made her wake up.
"Foxy, you awake?" Rex asked.
"Get inside," Foxy told him.
"Why?" Rex asked.
"A storm approaching..." Foxy replied.
"What? It looks unusual..." Pyra took a look at it.
"Maybe a rainstorm?" Mythra added.
"Is not! Storm sucks me and my friends! We must head back!" Foxy told them but with more panic.
"Got it! Rex Rex we just get inside!" Tora told Rex.
"Okay. Let's go!" Rex said. They ran out to find shelter from the storm.
With Yuganyan, she is meditating outside but after a few moments, she felt something coming towards her.
"This isn't wind..." she thought. She notices the sky is getting dark so she opens her eyes to see a storm coming near.
"Mai!" Yuganyan screamed.
"Yuganyan, what's wrong?" Mai ran to her.
"A storm! Is the same storm that sucks me and my friends!" Yuganyan screamed.
"Yuganyan calm down. We can head back till is over." Said Mai.
"Got it," Yuganyan replied.
"Don't worry. You are safe with me." Mai said as she carries Yuganyan to the shrine.
With Yagiobu, he invited SpongeBob and Patrick to Sandy's Dome to hang out along with Gloien.
"Okay Yagi, we finished something." Sandy came out with something under the covers.
"What is it?" Yagiobu asked.
"Ooh! What is it, Sandy!?" SpongeBob asked as he was about to touch it but Yagiobu holds on to it.
"Easy sir," Yagiobu told him.
"We got to see!" Patrick whines.
"Okay. Is the umbrella blaster." Sandy shows a navy blue umbrella, "It is like a blaster but looks like a normal umbrella. It's very useful for a rainy day."
"Wait we're underwater why would it be raining?" Gloien asked confusedly.
"Cartoon logic," Yagiobu answered.
"That makes sense..." Gloien replied.
"Well... is it dangerous?" SpongeBob asked.
Yagiobu holds it and tried to open the umbrella then it opened. He notice the button and press it which made a blast that made the grass burn.
"Oops. Sorry." He apologized.
"Wow!" SpongeBob and Patrick are amazed.
Gloien then felt something wrong and have a bad feeling, "guys...."
"Gloien, you okay?" Sandy asked.
Yagiobu noticed the same storm that took him and Gloien then look horrified, "Is back!" He then sees SpongeBob and Patrick shaking in fear.
"Why do the clouds look scary?" SpongeBob asked Yagiobu.
"Umm... I got to take you two home." Yagiobu replied.
"But Yagi you got to help me out with the human experiment from yesterday," Sandy told him.
"I got to take them home and I will be back to experiment. Help out Gloien." Yagiobu replied as he put on his suit.
"Okay. That umbrella is useful for a rainy day." Sandy wink at him.
"Got it. Let's go guys." Yagiobu told his new friends and lead them home.
"It will be alright, Gloien..." Sandy pats him.

Galaxynyan arrived outside of the academy and saw his friends waiting for him.
"Galaxynyan, everything okay?" Iisinyan asked when she noticed that he's scared.
"The dinosaur and she-" Galaxynyan tried to continue but then saw the same storm coming and other students running inside but the Dimei gang stood there as they ready to fight off the storm.

Twinklnyan Adventures 5: The Dimensional StormWhere stories live. Discover now