Possessive Gem

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(This chapter shows dark and tense scenes and not suited for sensitive viewers.)

Gloien got quiet as he progresses all this while Solaria is floating when she is waiting for Lofty. Then she grabs Gloien by the hand and drags him somewhere downstairs that looks a lot like a dungeon.
"Where are you taking me?" Gloien asked.
"To know where the humans are," Solaria replied.
"You mean our partners?" Gloien gasped.
"Every single one..." Solaria corrected. It shows humans from different worlds looking weak from lack of energy.
"Why..." Gloien feels the bubble that is made of glass.
"The gem told me too. Humans could be ruining our bond if they keep getting in the way." Solaria touched her gem.
"Why do you always listen to that gem of yours?!" Gloien shouted.
"Because it speaks to me. It knows how it feels when you lost the only family." Solaria said.
"Lilo and the others are my families too," Gloien replied then hears Lilo's voice.
"Gloien..." she uttered.
"Sis!" Gloien went to reach for her but Solaria grab him.
"Solaria, what you did is crazy! They have nothing to do with this!" Gloien shouted.
"This gem said they are the energy," Solaria replied calmly.
"Well don't listen to it! It might have Abigor's vibes there..." Gloien yanks his arm away from her.
"Is not!" Solaria yelled.
"Oh really?" Gloien then tried to grab the gem from her but then Solaria grip his hand tightly which shows her distorted face which frightened the human like they had seen it before.
"You... may NEVER touch my gem..." She growled.
"Solaria..." Gloien look frightened as well.
Solaria is now back to her calm state and lets go of his hand, "I did all this for you. Now since I have enough energy, I can manage to take over the world. In the meantime, I know a special power that can help you get eyes."
"You sure is not a trick?" Gloien asked.
"Nope. I will give you my energy so that could make it happen. This eye power is called Keen-sight. I will temporarily give you sight but have a limit." Solaria explained.
"A limit... but..." Gloien tried to say something but Solaria said, "I know being blind is hard for you. People treated you like you're helpless and do things for you even you can handle things yourself. Plus you ever feel jealous that your friends see beauty without you? Have you ever known what your friends look like?"
Gloien thought about it for a moment. She may have a point about it but he appreciated people helping him because of his blindness. He sometimes felt envious that his friends see amazing things while he just ask what they see. He also thought about his friends and what will probably look like even though they said they're cats.
"If I get it, you won't hurt everyone right?" Gloien asked.
"Yeah, as long you with me. Your real sister." Solaria replied.
"Deal," Gloien replied. The humans look shocked that he chose Solaria.
"Good job. By the way, 'Gloien?' That's a strange name. I expected a great name from our parents." Solaria said.
"Lilo named me Gloien. My friends love my name as well." Gloien replied.
"Well... if that's your name, well great to meet you, Gloien." Solaria said. Then they hear noises from the distance. She took Gloien upstairs to take a look then she saw Galaxynyan, Libranyan, and everyone coming towards the stadium, and with them is Lofty.
"No!" Solaria yelled, "After I have done for her, she betrayed me!"
"What? Lofty?" Gloien asked in confusion then felt relieved, "My friends! They're here?"
"They may not! They not going to take you away from me!" Solaria shove Gloien back.
"Solaria, don't hurt them!" Gloien protested.
"We will start this Keen-Sight process right now!" Solaria then took off the glasses then put a blindfold on Gloien's face. She use her powers and put it on the blindfold which made it glow and shocks Gloien causing him to scream in agony.
"In an hour, it will unleash your eyes. In the meantime, you are staying with me. If you tried to escape, I will kill one of the humans..." Solaria said deadly in her voice.
Gloien felt scared from her threat, "You said... you won't hurt them when I get the process..." then the blindfold shocks him and he screamed loudly.
"Forgive me, my brother but this process is painful but this betrayal hurt more than this. I will destroy them... so I recommend that you don't move or else it will hurt you even more." Solaria said.
Gloien stayed silent while Solaria put her hands on his shoulders, "Don't worry... No one will take you..."

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