Chapter 2. A new life.

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Nathaniel's P.O.V

Carter was right. He was the most powerful boy at the juvenile detention center. I asked myself why everyone was so afraid of him. Carter was well-built, but some guys were more muscular than him. I later discovered why his nickname was "Rabid dog." Carter liked to beat up people over the smallest of things. He was a shoot first ask questions later, guy. He got often placed in isolation because of his behavior. Carter's parents visited him every week. They loved their son regardless of his shortcomings. I once heard Carter's mother say that they were looking for a competent psychiatrist for their son. I wished that someone cared so much about me.

It was hard for me to make friends. Everyone ignored me because of my roommate and my size. I tried to participate in as many activities as I could. I spent most of my free time at the detention center's garage with Carter. He had been working on cars with his father since he was eight. Carter was a skilled mechanic, but didn't like to fix appliances. I was an all-rounder technician. I had many talents and skills.

I was surprised when I found out that Caleb was Carter's uncle. Caleb owned a famous car design company in Atlanta. He loved to bring his damaged cars to the detention center. Caleb had been doing it for years. He was a good man and wanted to do something for the youth of his country. Caleb loved to test our skills. He was proud of us when we managed to repair something. Caleb treated me like a son whenever he came over. Carter told me that it was because his uncle didn't have any kids. I didn't mind the attention. My first year at the juvenile detention center went smoothly. I stayed out of trouble and was polite to everyone. People often asked me why a nice boy like me got sent to a juvenile detention center for five years.

I never told anyone the truth. I didn't want people to call me a kidnapper. Carter and Caleb were the only ones who knew why I was there. Caleb took pity on me when I told him how my parents had treated me. He called me every week to inquire about my life. We often discussed matters regarding his car designs. I was working on a car with Carter when I started feeling dizzy. Carter frowned, then uttered, "You don't look so good, Nathaniel." I wiped my hands clean, then took a seat. Carter put his hand on my shoulder, then asked me, "Would you like some water?" I shook my head, then answered Carter with, "No, I'm alright, Carter. It will be over soon."

I got startled when I heard Caleb say, "How long have you been feeling this way, Nathaniel?" I rubbed my forehead, then responded to Caleb with, "Since I was a child, uncle. It comes and goes. I'll feel better once I eat something." I started sweating heavily suddenly. I wanted to rip my clothes off and lie on the cold floor. Carter ran out of the garage to call the nurse. Caleb grabbed my face, then asked me, "How often do you eat, Nathaniel?" I looked in a daze at Caleb, then responded to him, "Twice a day, uncle." Caleb shook me, then yelled, "Stop lying, Nathaniel!" I scratched my head, then stated, "I'm sorry, uncle. I'm too lazy to go to the canteen. I skip meals most of the time." 

Caleb looked in despair at me. The last thing I heard him say before I lost consciousness was, "I think that you have diabetes, Nathaniel." I discovered that I was in a hospital room when I woke up. Carter leaned over and pinched my cheek. I cried out in pain. Carter laughed, then stated, "Yep, he's awake, uncle." I glared at Carter, then uttered, "Are you trying to kill me, Carter?" Carter stuck his tongue out at me. Caleb grabbed my hand, then said, "I'm glad that you are okay, Nathaniel. You have been in a coma for five days." I looked in shock at Caleb. A doctor walked into the room, then declared, "We have been trying to reach your parents for days now, Nathaniel. We would like to know why they didn't notice that you had diabetes. Where you always this big, son?"

I sighed, then responded to the doctor with, "I started getting fat after my grandparents died, sir. I was ten years old then. My parents never cared about me, so they didn't notice it." The doctor shook his head, then stated, "That's horrible. You could have died due to your illness, son. I wish that I could ask them a few questions regarding your medical history and treatment, though." I sighed, then responded to the doctor with, "My parents disowned me, sir. They won't talk to you no matter how many times you call them. I'm eighteen. I can make my own decisions." The doctor groaned, then uttered, "Well, if that is so, then you need to take care of yourself from now on, Nathaniel. Nurse Jordan will explain everything to you. I'll come by later to check up on you." The nurse told me that I needed to take insulin shots to survive. She asked me to lose weight. I was shocked when I heard how much. Caleb calmed me down by saying, "We'll get through this together, son."

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now