Chapter 36. Peace

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Nathan's P.O.V

I knew something was wrong when Xander received a text message. Xander kissed my cheek and said, "I have to tell you something, Nathan." I cupped Xander's face, then kissed him passionately. Xander hummed in satisfaction. I smiled, then stated, "We came here to have a good time, Xander. Please, don't spoil it by giving me bad news." Xander bit my chest and declared, "Let's get started then." We made love till four in the morning. We took a shower after our lovemaking session, then fell asleep. I woke up at eleven am. Xander was on the phone when I opened my eyes. He seemed angry, so I let him be.

Xander pulled me into his arms when I got out of the shower. He kissed my neck, then said, "I'll be away for a few days, Nathan. I have to handle something before it gets worse." I nodded and stated, "Okay. I'll be leaving on Monday for L.A. I hope you will be back by then." Xander grabbed my arm, then dragged me to the bed. He made me sit next to him and said, "Let's talk about last night." I sighed and declared, "I know it's about my biological family, Xander. Your demeanor changes when it involves them. What happened this time?" Xander threw his arm around me, then stated, "Your biological mother committed suicide yesterday. Your sister wants you to pay for her death." I couldn't help but laugh when I heard that Theresa was out for blood.

Xander stroked my head and asked, "What's so funny, Nathan?" I composed myself, then replied, "Is she crazy? I have nothing to do with that family. So how can she blame me for her mother's demise? Just ignore her. Selling those properties is my priority for now. We can't move on with our lives unless I get rid of everything tied to my dark past." Xander kissed my cheek, then asked, "Are you sure, Nathan?" I got up, then declared, "They can't hurt me anymore, Xander. I don't like them enough to care. I'm going to get dressed now. I promised to spend time with you today. Let's go to the beach. I need some fresh air." Xander made arrangements with Martin while I got ready to leave.

I checked my blood sugar before leaving the hotel. I was pleased to see that everything was alright. Xander had told Dahlia and Caleb about my biological mother's death. I knew that they were waiting to console me. Xander and I had breakfast at a restaurant, then went to the beach. We rented a Gazebo and spent the whole day cuddling. It was soon time to go home. I had asked one of Xander's men to drop my car off at the house. I smiled when I saw the vehicle in our driveway. Caleb invited Xander to have dinner with us.

Xander cupped my face and kissed me intensely when it was time for him to leave. He caressed my lips with his thumb, then said, "I'll see you on Wednesday, Nathan. You can call me anytime you want. I'll answer my phone no matter how busy I am." I nodded, then kissed Xander back. I hugged Xander tightly, then stated, "I'll see you soon, babe." Xander kissed me softly, then left.

I went on a walk with Jax to clear my head. My parents didn't bother me about the incident. They could see that I wasn't interested in my mother's death. Dahlia walked into my room while I was packing. She handed me a pack of boxer briefs, then said, "Your father bought some for you and himself today. Bring them with you. You never know when you might need it." I chuckled, then stated, "Xander is not accompanying me on this trip, mom. I doubt that I will get any action when he visits me there. He will have to put a lot of energy into finishing his work before traveling to L.A, so he'll be tired." Dahlia kissed my head and declared, "That's not why your father bought them for you, Nathan. Take good care of yourself while you are there, my son. And call us when you need company. We will drop everything and come visit you."

I kissed Dahlia's cheek, then stated, "Don't forget that you have another child, mom. Krista needs you too." Dahlia hugged me tightly and said, "I would never leave her alone. She is coming with us no matter what. I bet she will be the first one to board the plane." I stroked Dahlia's back and declared, "Don't worry, mom. I won't forget our bond while I'm there. I have already told Xander that I don't want to meet members of my biological family while I'm in L.A." Dahlia kissed my forehead and stated before leaving, "Good night, my son."

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now