Chapter 6. Xander Oswald Part 3

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Xander's P.O.V

I ran downstairs when I heard that the Dalton family had arrived. I got disappointed when I didn't see Nathan. It seemed like Nathan hated me too much to visit me with his family. Caleb reached his hand out to me, then stated, "I hope that we didn't visit you at the wrong time, Xander." I shook Caleb's hand, then responded to him with, "You and your family are always welcome at my house, Caleb. It's just that I expected Nathan to accompany you guys today." Caleb chuckled, then said, "Nathan had to take Jax to the pet groomer today, Xander. He doesn't even know that we are at your house."

I was shocked. It seemed like Nathan had already told Caleb and Dahlia the truth. Dahlia handed me a bag, then said, "I baked your favorite pie, Xander. I can still remember how much you liked eating my strawberry pies as a child." The strawberry pie smelled great. I couldn't wait to taste it, but I needed to handle an important matter first. Krista had been quiet this whole time. She smiled at me, then said, "You have a beautiful home, sir." I stroked Krista's head, then responded to her with, "Thank you, Krista. You can call me Xander when we are alone." Krista giggled, then ran towards the garden when a bird flew into the house. I motioned one of the maids to follow Krista. I didn't want her to get hurt while we discussed matters.

Many birds liked to visit the garden. They could bathe and feed on the plot in peace. I was sure that Krista would find something interesting to do there. I handed the bag with the strawberry pie to a maid, then said, "I can sense that you guys already know about what happened between Nathan and me when we were young. It was eight years ago, but the memories of the incident still haunt me." Dahlia frowned, then responded to me with, "Yes, Xander. We know about everything. Nathan was quite troubled when he came home yesterday. We thought that something bad had happened to his new car. We were astonished when he told us that he had punched you and why he had done so." I sighed, then uttered, "Follow me to the garden, guys. We can talk in peace on the terrace."

Caleb took a seat on the terrace with Dahlia, then stated, "I thought that your cheek would be blue by now, Xander. And didn't you injure your arm yesterday as well?" I rubbed my cheek, then uttered, "My physician helped me reduce the pain and the swelling, Caleb. My arm, fortunately, only got bruised. I'll survive, don't worry." I gazed at Krista, then asked Dahlia, "You don't hate me for betraying Nathan, Dahlia?" Dahlia sighed, then responded to me with, "I was disappointed with you at first. The boy I knew would have never hurt anyone. I can still remember how your mother drilled into you that everyone was equal. I didn't want anything to do with you anymore when I heard what you had done. But I then realized that we would have never met Nathan if he hadn't gotten sentenced. I feel terrible for thinking like that, but it's the truth."

Caleb rubbed his wife's back, then said, "We may not have created Nathan, but we love him like our own child, Xander. We feel his pain whenever he gets hurt. It took him a lot of time and perseverance to get where he is now. We don't want him to get ill again. We are begging you, Xander. Please, leave our child alone." I gazed at the sky, then replied to Caleb with, "That's the thing, Caleb. I don't know if I can stay away from Nathan. I like him very much. Nathan was my best friend when we were young. You might not believe me, but I missed him like crazy. I betrayed Nathan because of my uncle. And it's now time for me to make amends. I should have never listened to that bastard." Dahlia frowned, then asked me, "What do you mean, Xander?" I looked to see where Krista was, then explained everything to Nathan's parents.

Caleb looked at me in shock. He couldn't believe how evil my uncle was. Caleb grabbed Dahlia's hand, then stated, "You should talk to Nathan, Xander, but not now. Wait till he comes to you himself." Dahlia quickly added, "Yeah, don't force him to talk to you, Xander." I smiled at Dahlia, then responded to her with, "Don't worry, Dahlia. I had already planned to take things slow. I don't want Nathan to hate me more than he already does." It seemed like Krista had found something intriguing in the garden. The little girl ran to us while giggling. Krista stomped her feet, then yelled, "I found little rabbits in those bushes over there, daddy!"

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