Chapter 8. The universe is against me. Part 2

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Nathan's P.O.V

I let Xander enjoy the view, then asked him, "Are you ready to tell me now about why my parents are looking for me, Xander?" Xander sighed, then answered me with, "Yes, I am, Nathan, but I want you to see this first." Xander grabbed a file from his leather briefcase, then said, "Here, look at this." I frowned at Xander, then uttered, "This better be good, Xander." The blood drained from my face when I saw naked pictures of Xander's ex-girlfriend. I threw the file at Xander, then asked him, "What's the meaning of this, Xander?"

Xander rubbed his face in frustration, then responded to me with, "Those are the photos that made me depict you as a monster, Nathan. My uncle convinced my parents that you were the one who took those pictures." I scowled at Xander, then uttered, "I was never interested in that witch, Xander. I would rather die than take her pictures." Xander grabbed my hand, then said, "I know, Nathan. You can't imagine how many times I wanted to visit you at the police station and the detention center. My uncle always found a way to stop me. I wish that I had tried harder to meet you because I liked you back then."

I pulled Xander's hand away, then asked him, "What's the use in telling me all this now, Xander. I already went to jail for something I didn't do. We can't change the past, no matter how hard we try." Xander took a deep breath, then said, "I'm telling you all this because I want you to know how much I still care about you, Nathan. I never forgot about you. I used to watch you help the kids in the park. You were so kind and caring. My parents and I fought to get you out of the detention center when we found out that my uncle was the culprit. We waited for you outside the gate on your release date. But you had already left with Caleb. I still have the house that I bought for you because I knew that you had nowhere to go, Nathan."

Xander looked at me with pleading eyes, then added, "I desperately want to be with you, Nathan. And if you think that I'm saying this because of your appearance, then you're wrong. I still have old pictures of you at home. They are my treasure." I didn't know what to say to Xander. He reminded me so much of my dark past that I didn't want to be near him. I sighed, then said, to Xander, "I went through hell for saving you, Xander. I can't just forgive you for betraying me." Xander chuckled, then stated, "At least one good thing came out of it, right?" I frowned, then declared, "I'm not stupid, Xander. I know that I would have never met Caleb and Dahlia if I hadn't gotten sentenced. The thing that bothered me the most was that you never trusted me. I loved you so much that I risked my life to save you. No one would have cried if I had died that day. My heart shattered into pieces when you declared that I had kidnapped you."

Xander pulled me into his arms, then said while crying, "I'm so sorry, Nathan. Please forgive me. And thank you so much for saving my life. If you can't take me as your lover, then please accept me as a friend. I will always be by your side." I groaned while thinking about the situation. I knew that Xander wouldn't leave me alone. I sighed, then said to Xander, "Okay, Xander. We are friends from now on. Don't screw it up." Xander hugged me tightly, then responded to me with, "I won't, I promise." Xander handed me another file, then uttered, "Don't forget that I'm here for you, Nathan."

Tears started rolling down my cheeks when I read why my parents were looking for me. Xander pulled me closer to him when a boy yelled, "Look, mommy. That man is crying." I buried my face in Xander's chest and cried to my heart's content. Xander handed me a handkerchief after I had finished crying. I wiped my tears away, then said to Xander, "I don't want to see them again, Xander." Xander stroked my back, then stated, "I understand, Nathan. I'll take care of it. You can write in a letter whatever you would like to tell them then give it to me. I will make sure that no one will suspect where the letter came from."

I nodded, then stated, "I hope that my brother will find a donor soon, Xander." Xander sighed, then said, "He would have already found someone if your parents had invested their time and money to save him. Your parents thought that they would manipulate you into donating your bone marrow to your brother. They never considered your health issues." I sighed while looking at the playing children. My parents didn't deserve to have kids. 

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt