Chapter 23. The beginning of something .....

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Nathan's P.O.V

It was Monday. I had an appointment with Elijah at five pm. I didn't want to disappoint the boy, so I ended my work on time. Xander's parents were out of town. I was glad that I would get to spend some time alone with the boy. I didn't know how to face Xander's parents. I would rather have Caleb or Dahlia with me when I saw them again after so many years. I had forgiven Xander's parents a long time ago. My biological parents had done worse things to me. I went home, took a shower then drove to Xander's house. Jax yipped when we reached the mansion.

The guards let me through the gate after checking my ID. A maid greeted me then led me to the backyard. Elijah's nanny noticed me first. She stroked the boy's head, then stated, "Look who's here, Elijah." The little boy instantly turned around to gaze at the entrance. I waved at Elijah and uttered, "Hi Elijah." Elijah jumped off his chair, then ran towards me. I scooped up the child then threw him in the air. Elijah giggled with glee. I kissed Elijah's cheek, then asked him, "Where is Momo, Elijah?" Elijah grinned, then responded to me with, "She's inside, uncle Nathan. Momo loves to steal my pencils and paper when I'm drawing. My nanny left her inside to prevent her from bothering me. Momo is a good girl, uncle Nathan. She only needs some conditioning."

I tickled Elijah's tummy, then said to him, "Well, that is what I'm here for, Elijah. Momo will be a changed dog once I've finished training her." Elijah hugged me tightly. I stroked the boy's head, then stated, "Come on, let's start the process before Jax gets bored. Hopefully, Krista can join us next time." Elijah scratched his cheek and asked me, "Why didn't she come along with you today, uncle Nathan?" I wiped the little boy's face then answered him with, "Krista has a match on Sunday. The other team is strong. She needs to train hard if she wants to win." Elijah nodded, then asked me, "Can I watch her play on Sunday?" I put the boy down, then answered him with, "Of course, Elijah, but you have to ask your father first."

Elijah ran into the house to get his dog. His nanny reached her hand out to me, then said, "It's nice to meet you, Nathan." I shook the woman's hand and declared, "It's nice to meet you too, ma'am." Elijah's nanny laughed, then uttered, "You can call me Angie, Nathan. I'm probably your mother's age anyway." I nodded at Angie, then concentrated on Elijah and Momo. Momo was a stubborn little creature. She refused to follow orders. Running after butterflies and birds were the only things on her mind. I had to use treats to make her obey. The little boy would be traumatized if I used Jax to make her submit. Elijah and Momo were tired at the end of the day. I was just about to leave when Xander came home. He chuckled when he saw the dog lying in the corner of the room.

Elijah instantly clung to his father. Xander picked up his son, then stated, "I see that you had a successful day, Nathan." Elijah was right about the dog. Momo was an intelligent dog. She only had too much energy. That was common in golden retriever husky mix dogs. Exercises like swimming would help her burn that excess energy. I gave Xander a list of things he could do with the dog. Xander smiled, then said, "Thank you so much for helping me, Nathan. Elijah would have hated me if I hadn't allowed him to have a dog." I gazed at Elijah, then uttered, "Look how attached Elijah is to you, Xander. Do you think he would ever hate you for doing something valid for him? Raising a dog is a big responsibility. Jax is like my parent's third child. He gets the same amount of attention that Krista and I get. You're lucky to have a son like Elijah. He is just a child, but he knows how the world works."

Xander grabbed my hand, then stated, "Thank you so much for your kind words, Nathan. I have a habit of second-guessing myself when it comes to Elijah. I want to give my child everything he wants. But I'm afraid that I will spoil him too much." I patted Xander's cheek, then declared, "You received everything you wanted in life, Xander, and look how you turned out. You give everyone a fair chance. I doubt that the boy will grow up to be a tyrant." I suddenly realized that Xander and I were standing too close. I could feel his body heat. I took a step back, then said, "I have to go now, Xander. It's getting late. My parents and Krista are probably waiting for me to have dinner together." I quickly grabbed my phone when I heard Xander say, "Your parents went out with some friends tonight. And Krista is staying at a friend's house. They were trying to reach you, but you had turned off your phone. Caleb contacted me and asked me to relay this message to you." I groaned when I saw how many times my parents had called me.

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora