Chapter 35. The present

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Xander's P.O.V

Nathan kissed my cheek when I didn't reply to him. He smiled, then stated, "Don't worry, Xander. I'm not planning on going alone. I wanted to ask if you could hire a few bodyguards for me. I don't want to meet my biological family while I'm there. It's a small town, so it's bound to happen. Maybe they can keep my family away from me." I kissed Nathan passionately and said, "I will ask Martin to accompany you. I don't want to hire new people to protect you. What if they turn out to be untrustworthy?" Nathan hugged me, then uttered, "Martin needs to stay here, Xander. It's his job to keep you and Elijah safe."

I stroked Nathan's head, then declared, "Martin has trained his men well. Nothing will happen to me while you are away. And besides, I will feel more at ease if Martin's the one going with you." Nathan kissed my chest, then uttered, "As you wish, Xander. And don't worry. I won't do anything without consulting you and my parents first. It's not because I'm afraid to make mistakes, but because I know how worried you guys will be." I kissed Nathan's forehead, then gazed into his eyes. I didn't know what I would do without him. Nathan chuckled and said, "I'll be only away for a month, babe. You can visit me all you want. Los Angeles is only a few hours away from Seatle."

I cupped Nathan's face, then asked, "Won't you get tired of me if I keep visiting you?" Nathan chuckled and kissed me. He bit my lip, then said, "I will never get tired of you, Xander. You are the oxygen I need to survive." I hugged Nathan, then closed my eyes. Nathan caressed my cheek, then said, "Let's go to bed, Xander." We enjoyed the snacks and beverages that the maids served us. Nathan led me to our bedroom. He kissed me passionately, then said, "I was looking forward to this the whole day." I bit Nathan's neck, then carried him to the bed.

Nathan hummed when I placed him on the mattress. I grabbed the things we needed, then climbed onto the bed. Nathan pulled me closer, then kissed me. He stroked my member and said, "I would like to take things slow tonight, babe." I bit Nathan's nipple and replied, "Okay, let's take time to enjoy ourselves." We got rid of our clothes, then gazed into each other's eyes. Nathan grabbed my member, then stroked the tip with his thumb. I started grinding against him. Nathan groaned when he felt the friction. He pushed me down, then began kissing my chest.

I spread Nathan's legs, then started preparing him. Nathan kissed me vigorously when I hit his sweet pot. He bit my ear and whispered, "I'm ready, babe." I sucked Nathan's nipple, then stuck my member into his hole. Nathan moaned in pleasure. He held me tightly while I hammered into him. Nathan pushed me down after a while. I groaned when he sucked me off. I clutched Nathan's hair, then asked him, "Are you trying to make me cum, Nathan?" Nathan smirked and replied, "Go ahead, Xander. I know how to make you hard again." I ejaculated right on Nathan's face.

Nathan chuckled, then began massaging my balls. I clutched the sheets when he took my half-hard member in his mouth. It was now time for me to pleasure Nathan. I pulled him up, then kissed him passionately. I licked Nathan's cheek and stated, "My semen looks great on your face, darling." I pushed Nathan onto the bed, then took him from behind. Nathan groaned when I grabbed his face and kissed him. He seized my hand and said, "I'm about to lose my mind, Xander." I left a hickey on Nathan's back, then stated, "Enjoy yourself, my dear fiancé. There is no one here to judge you." I was surprised when Nathan took the lead. He made me lie down, then began riding me. Nathan ejaculated while rubbing his member. I let Nathan do whatever he wanted that night. We both enjoyed our time together.

We made love till the morning. I let Nathan sleep for as long as he wanted. The kids woke up early. They had a lot of activities planned. I tried to assist them as much as I could. It started raining suddenly. We had no other choice than to run back to the house. Nathan was waiting for us by the door. He ordered us to take a shower. Nathan was blow-drying Krista's hair when I returned. Elijah was clinging to him. He watched Nathan braid Krista's hair. Nathan laughed when Elijah yelled, "Do mine too." The little boy kicked his legs while Nathan styled his hair.

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now