Chapter 14. Separation Part 1

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Nathan's P.O.V

Thank you for all your well wishes, everyone. I truly appreciate it.

I tried to contact Xander after he left. It seemed like Xander had turned off his phone. So I stopped bothering him. I got busy when the company reopened. We had received a large order from a foreign company. The car seats needed to be ready by March. I hardly got time to visit Carter's garage. Krista was also busy. She had joined another club. Dahlia was teaching her how to balance school and fun. I was at the vet's with Jax when I received a call from Xander. I patted Jax's head, then walked outside to talk to Xander.

Xander seemed stressed. He asked me, "Can you talk right now, Nathan?" the moment I answered my phone. I sighed, then responded to Xander with, "I wouldn't have picked up my phone if I didn't, Xander. I don't think Jax appreciates it, though. I'm at the vet with him. He is staring at me through the glass door right now." Xander chuckled, then stated, "Sorry for not calling you earlier. My grandmother got admitted to the hospital on new year's eve. I had to fly to Spain to see her. I spent a week with my parents at the hospital. I knew that you were busy. I didn't bother you due to the time difference."

I groaned, then declared, "You can call me anytime, Xander. We promised to support each other, didn't we?" I frowned when I heard Xander say, "I'm not sure that you would pick up, though." Xander was right. I hardly answered his calls. I was always busy whenever Xander called me. I forgot to call Xander back when I was free. I scratched my head, then responded to Xander with, "I promise to answer your calls like a true friend from now on, Xander. I'll notify you when I'm busy." Xander went quiet for a moment. I thought that we were having connection issues. I looked at my phone, then asked Xander, "Are you there, Xander?"

Xander quickly answered me with, "Yeah, I'm here, Nathan. I was contemplating about something." "Would you like to talk about it?" I asked Xander. Xander sighed, then replied to me with, "No, I'm fine. It's nothing you need to worry about." I shook my head, then uttered, "Okay, if you say so. So how is grandmother doing now?" My heart skipped a beat when I heard Xander say, "She barely survived. The doctor said that she wouldn't live for long. My grandmother will need twenty-four-hour care at home from now on. My parents and I are trying to figure out how to manage it all. My grandmother moved to Spain because she wanted to be close to her friends. Everyone she knew and loved had bought a house here. They are all gone now. We are the only family she has left to keep her company."

I smiled, then stated, "I bet that she is proud to have you all as her family, Xander." Xander chuckled, then said, "She blames me for not giving her a great-grandchild every day, Nathan. So I doubt that she's proud of me. She always yells, "Even the gays can have babies now, Xander. I don't know what you are waiting for!" She would blow a fuse if she knew that I was bisexual. I will truly miss her when she is gone, Nathan." I could feel Xander's sorrow. I clutched my chest, then said to Xander, "Everything will be alright, Xander. Your grandmother has lived long. She knows what's coming. She can't probably wait to see her friends again." Xander sighed, then replied to me with, "You are right, Nathan. I don't want her to suffer anymore. How is your health, by the way?"

I suddenly heard a knock on the clinic's door. The receptionist indicated that it was our turn to see the vet. I quickly answered Xander with, "I'm doing great. I went for a check-up on Monday. I got a clean bill of health from my doctor. I got to go now, Xander. It's Jax's turn to go in. I will talk to you soon. Bye." I turned off my phone when  Xander said, "I'm glad that you are okay, Nathan. Have a great day. Bye." I walked into the clinic, then led Jax to the treatment room. Jax stayed calm while the vet examined him. I sighed in relief when the vet gave Jax a treat for good health. It was still early in the afternoon, so I drove back to work. I was exhausted by seven o'clock. Krista ran to me the moment I walked into the house. She hugged my waist, then uttered, "Xander called me today, Nathan. He told me that Jessica would be coming by the house today. He has sent a suitcase full of delicacies for all of us from Spain. Isn't he great, Nathan?"

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن