Chapter 10. Interrogation

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Nathan's P.O.V

I decided to check on Krista while Xander was eating. The little girl was busy chasing after Jax. I took a seat on the patio and gazed at my sister. She had grown up so fast. I could still remember the days she cried when I left the house without her. I sighed while thinking about Xander. It was about time that Xander and I settled matters. I had tried so hard to forgive Xander for what he had done, but I couldn't. I knew that it was because of what had happened to me after my grandparents died. I couldn't disregard that Xander treated my family and me well. Xander deserved the recognition he received for being kind. Xander joined me after he finished eating. He put his hand on my shoulder, then asked me, "What were you pondering about, Nathan?" I sighed, then answered Xander with, "I was thinking about you, Xander." Xander smirked, then uttered, "Well, it's about time that you considered my feelings, Nathan. I think about you every day while you don't even care about me."

I shook my head at Xander. I couldn't believe how bold he was. Xander looked a lot better now. It was probably because of the soup. It was nice seeing him in casual clothes. Krista approached me just when I was about to reply to Xander. She stroked Jax's head, then uttered, "We are thirsty, Nathan." Xander gazed at Jax, then said to one of his maids, "Serve them drinks, Melanie." I grabbed Krista's bag and handed her a few wipes. Krista cleaned her hands, then took a seat next to me. She smiled at Xander, then stated, "My mommy told me that it's your birthday soon, Xander. I can't believe that you were born on Christmas day."

I already knew that Xander gave lavish parties on the twenty-fourth of December. It was probably to hide the truth. Xander never wanted anyone to learn that he was born on Christmas day. He hated getting dubbed a Christmas prince. Xander chuckled, then responded to Krista with, "Your mother is right, Krista. I'll be turning twenty-six soon. I'm going to hold the party at the mansion this time. It's about time that people knew the real me." Krista squealed, then stated, "That's great, Xander. Nathan's birthday is on the first of January. My mommy has already bought many things to decorate the house for Christmas and Nathan's birthday. My mommy and I can help you decorate the mansion if you like."

I stroked Krista's head, then said to her, "Xander's assistant will hire people to organize everything for him, kiddo." Xander groaned, then uttered, "That's the thing, Nathan. Jessica is having trouble finding a chef who is willing to prepare sugar-free meals and snacks for the party." I contemplated, then asked Xander, "Why are you so adamant about having sugar-free foods at your party, Xander? Not everyone likes to eat those things. I understand the chefs' viewpoint. They probably don't want to ruin their reputation by creating something that people may find tasteless." Xander put his arm around my shoulder, then said, "I'm doing this for you, Nathan. What's the use in throwing a lavish party if the one I love can't enjoy it."

I sighed while looking at Xander. "Does he truly love me that much?" I asked myself. I smirked at Xander, then asked him, "What makes you think that I will attend your party, Xander?" Xander motioned in Krista's direction, then answered me with, "I'm a hundred percent sure that Krista won't let you stay at home alone on the night of Christmas eve, Nathan. Your parents have already responded to my invite. So you can't get out of this now." Xander was right. Krista could be very pushy. I shook my head, then said to Xander, "Ask Jessica to contact my mother. She knows a few people who focus on making the world's most delicious sugar-free meals and snacks."

I groaned when Krista gave me a thumbs up. Xander didn't waste any time. He contacted Jessica immediately. Krista quickly grabbed a bottle of water when the maid returned. I helped Krista open the bottle, then assisted the maid in serving Jax. Krista handed the maid the empty bottle, then stated, "Thank you for the water, ma'am." The maid smiled, then said to Krista before leaving, "You are welcome, cutie." I asked Krista if she wanted a snack or to go to the bathroom. She shook her head, then ran towards an apple tree with Jax. I kept a close eye on my sister from where I was sitting.

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