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Hello, and thank you for 75+ reads! This is completely irrelevant to the story, but I have to take a four section test tomorrow so yay. Also, this is the chapter that mentions suicide, though like I mentioned in the overview before the first chapter, there is no actual suicide. If you want a more detailed description of what happens please go check it out. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and please comment :)

"At the first competition of the Grand Prix Series, Chutei University High School, last year's sixth place finishers, showcase their high level unison skating in both the short program and the free skate, earning them first place overall." I recite, scrolling down the article while Akimitsu and Jonouchi hover over my shoulders.

"It was a different story for last year's fourth place school. Ionodai High School was ranked second after delivering a solid short program, but their score nosedived after the free skate. That puts them in sixth place, a difficult position for the start of the series." Akimitsu continues, picking up from where I stopped reading.

"Just great." Jonouchi groans.

"What're we going to do, you guys? If the same thing happens next time we're going to lose for sure." Aki says with a frown.

"Listen, we'll be fine." Shotaro says, retrieving his jacket from his locker and slipping it on.

"We will?" Akimitsu asks.

"Yeah, we've still got time." My brother says calmly.

"Not enough to keep screwing around like that! We're in the worst possible shape for making it to finals at this point!" Akimitsu retorts.

"Aki!" Kiriyama says.

"I'm not going along with one of Sasugai's 'brilliant' ideas again. Not ever." Aki says with a pout.

"Yeah man. Sorry, but I feel the same way." Jonouchi says.

"Heya team." Sasugai says, announcing his presence as he struts through the door. "Given the results of the first match, I've got some ideas on how we can change up the routine. Let's take a look at... them..." He says, trailing off after seeing the unamused looks on our faces. "So, uh... why is it so tense in here? Aside from the obvious, I mean."

"We still have two matches left, we can turn it around." Kiriyama says.

"I sure hope so. I'm going out for a run. See ya." Akimitsu says, brushing past Sasugai and slipping out the door.

"Um, I'll go with him." I say and my brother nods at me.

"Thanks." Yuki says.

"See you at home." Shotaro says.

"You too." I say before rushing out the door after Aki. I exit the building, catching sight of Akimitsu speedwalking away on my left. I jog after him to catch up.

"Wait up!" I call. Aki looks over his shoulder at me before stopping to wait for me.

"What do you want?" He asks coldly. My eyes widen a slightly. I know he's not very happy with our results, but wow that's harsh. I don't think he's ever acted like that towards me before. Usually he's even more optimistic and cheery than I am. "Sorry." He says, looking at the ground as we start walking down the street. "I know it's not your fault and that you're probably just being a good friend and checking up on me, but I can't help but thinking we'd be better off right now if we'd have stuck to the original plan."

"Yeah... Please don't take this the wrong way, but Sasugai wasn't exactly wrong with his plan. If it had worked it would've been amazing." I say.

"But it failed." Aki sighs.

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