Chapter thirteen

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I woke up, feeling around the bed only to realize that Kakashi wasn't laying next to me. The argument from yesterday was flooding back. I groaned and got up, walking downstairs.

"Good morning, F/N." I was greeted by my mother.

"Mmh, morning." I stretch my arms over my head yawning.

"Can you go to the store for me?" I hear my mother asks and I you nod. I made my way back to my room and got dressed.

"I'm coming, I have to go to training." I turn around and my eyes land on Sakura.

"M'kay let's go." I say, still half awake.

"Race ya~!" Sakura yells.

"Oho your on!" I felt the adrenaline rush throughout my body.

We run out of the house and toward the training grounds, I beat Sakura by a mile .

"Ugh, no fair!" I snicker a little, my eye then locked with Kakashi's and I look away.

"Bye Sakura, cya later." I wave to Naruto and Sasuke as well. I glance at Kakashi one last time before walking off.

"What's up with you two? Did ya break up?"
Naruto says, narrowing his eyes at his sensei.

"If you broke her heart Kakashi I swear I'm gonna-"

"We didn't break up, we just had a disagreement."
Kakashi stated, a hint of sadness in his voice.

A couple of hours pass and I was walking to the training grounds, so I could walk with my sister back home. I felt lonely, I had all day. I haven't talked to Kakashi once today.

I was tackled into a hug by Naruto.

"Hi, Naruto!" I giggled, rubbing cheek against his.(face cheek ya dirty fuck)

"Hey, hunny." Naruto says with a snicker.

"Naruto! Get off my sister!" Sakura yells, Naruto groans and lets go of me, Sakura then walks up to me.

"Ready to go Sakura?"

"Yep!" I smile, you lock eyes with Kakashi once again.

Instead of looking away, I smile softly. I gavehim a small wave and a wink. You then turn around and start walking with Sakura.

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