Chinese cartoons

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I made me and mike pancakes for breakfast. He stuffed it in his face. "Wow this is REALLY good *Cough* shit *cough*" I giggled cause he was choking on the food. He finally swallowed it. "Yeah thanks for the help there." He said with a smirk. I smiled. "Yeah no problem this time don't talk with your mouth full." He nodded and ate more till he was full. "Mike you ate 6 pancakes are you serious?" He slowly nodded and tried to get up but it was no use. "TSK TSK TSK mike get your lazy butt up and lay down on the couch." He groaned as I pulled him up to the couch. I sat him down and I started to walk away but he stopped me. "(Y/N)........cuddle ...with me..." I sighed. "Are you that sick?" He nodded. I went over and laid down next to him. I turned the tv on to see what was on. Some anime was on so I turned it on. "What is this shit is this the Chinese cartoons that Jeremy watch's?" I playfully smacked him. "No its called anime and its Japanese." He sighed. "What ever same thing." 'Well I guess some one fells better now so im going to go now.''He gasped. "NO STAY WITH ME PLEASE!!!!!" He yelled as I got up from the couch. "Don't make fun of anime then!" He sighed. "Fine...'' He mumbled the last part. I laughed. "Come on you big baby lets go get ready for work." He tilted his head to the left with a 'huh?'. "what do you mean we don't work till 12." I sighed. "no today Jeremy is sick and so is fritz so we have to work on there shifts." He let out a loud sigh. "Ok but I get to kick there ass's on Monday." I giggled. "Yeah but then I would dump your ass." He laughed at that one. We got dressed and left for the day job. All I had to do was take the orders and give them there food. Mike however had to clean the animatronics which toy chica liked. She would get dirty on prepuce just so he could clean her. We switched because of it. Funny enough that chica stopped getting dirty right when we switched but toy Freddy kept getting pizza stuck on his ding dong. "Freddy why is there pizza on your you know what area?" He chuckled a nervous ."Well kids cant keep there hands to them self's." I gave him a 'MHM' sound and left. At lest toy bunny and mangle where nice. I walked over to the prize corner and noticed a tall doll like puppet that had a happy yet sad look on its face. "Hey whats your name?'' I asked the puppet. His lifeless eyes looked at mine. "Marinette or Mari what's yours?" I smiled. "Its (Y/N) nice to meet you Mari." The panted smiled kept still on his face but I knew that he was smiling under that.
So I was wondering if yall would like it if I did the fnaf AU stuff like Naga Vincent X reader or Fairy fritz x reader let me know in the comments

Best night ever mike X readerWhere stories live. Discover now