I think im ready... Pt.1

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Mike groaned and rolled on his aching back. Ever since he pulled that "LET ME LOVE YOU!" Thing, he's been sleeping on the couch. (Y/n) did feel bad but it was for the best. She wasn't ready.. Or so she thought. She sat in bed, thinking. She thought about mike.. About having a family. She knew it was too far to start thinking about family but, you can't help it. Having a child who looks just like you and your lover is just, magical. It's like a ride. There's ups and downs but in the end we all had fun. She rolled over and petted the cold sheets next to her. She sighed and closed her eyes but something wouldn't let her sleep. She felt lonely at night. She wanted to be held, to feel not alone. She scuffled over and stood up, starching in the process. She grabbed a fuzzy white robe and walked down stairs. Mike seemed to be up. He just sat there.. Looking into space, bored out of his mind. He didn't notice her till she called him out. "Mike.." She started. He just sat up with a 'Hm?' And looked at her. His regular blue eyes had a hint of a icy blue. It may have been dark but his eyes somehow, glowed. She blushed a bit and rubbed her arm. "I..." She couldn't talk. "You what?" He said calmly and looked into her (e/c) eyes. She looked down. "(Y/n).. Are you ok?" He asked and became a little more stiff. "I...I miss you.." That's all she had to say. He jumped up and hugged her tightly, knowing what she meant. She broke down crying. "I m-miss you laying next to me!" She hugged back while sobbing. "I know... I know..." He brushed her soft hair calmly. He hummed a bit to help her. The melody made her sniffle and calm down. "M-Mike.." She sniffled. "Yes?" He responded, not pulling away. "I think I'm ready..." She blushed. He cocked a brow. "Ready for what?" He asked feeling her hot cheeks on his cold shoulder. "You know.." She started. "I do?" He faked a smile and looked at her. "I'm ready.... So me your love..." She smiled a bit and blushed harder. "Y-you mean it?.." He held back a blush but smiled widely. She nodded. "Show me mike.. Please. I'm ready." "O-ok but when?" He asked, looking around. She just shrugged. "Anytime I guess." She blushed and looked at him. He just gave a pervy smile. "Alright~ how about tomorrow night?~" he purred a bit. She blushed and nodded. "S-sure." He hugged tighter and smiled. "I'll show you~ you'll see!~" he chuckled and kissed her head. She only smiled widely and blushed. "Stop blushing you little cherry~" he smirked. She giggle lightly. "Ok let's go to bed, but with each other~" she smiled and nodded. He picked her up and took her to the bedroom. He laid her down and got next to her. "Good night~" he snuggled with her and smiled. She blushed and smiled. "Good night." She yanked and closed her eyes along with him. She couldn't wait until tomorrow night.
AYYYY :D guess what?~ I smell a lemon coming up~
Instagram: savvy_the_night_watch_girl

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