Jealousy kicks in - Chapter 17

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(Justin's POV):

I woke up to Selena still in my arms. I was a bit uncomfortable so I gently turned over onto my side, trying not to wake her. As she stirred in her sleep, she wrapped her arm more around my waist and pulled me closer, snuggling into my chest. I smiled down at her and moved her hair from her face. I could get use to this. I admired her as she was sleeping so peacefully.

She is so beautiful and so, so perfect. She has been through so much but she deserves none of it... She deserves nothing but good because that is all she gives. She is a good person with such a beautiful soul. She does not deserve half the crap she is has thrown at her and it pisses me off. I would do everything in my power to protect this girl from harm and keep her happy.

I stroked the backs of my fingers across her face, "I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep you happy and safe. I'd meet death before I let you meet harm..." I whispered to the girl sleeping in front of me.

I kissed her forehead and slowly crept up out of the bed, trying not to wake her. It didn't work, I felt her hand pull me back down by the neck and I fell flat on the bed onto my back.

"No, no. Don't leave me..." she whispered.

I chuckled, thinking she was just dreaming. I gently un-wrapped her arms from me and put them on the pillows. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I adjusted it to the right temperature. Just as I was about to pull down my boxers, I heard Selena scream. My head shot up and I quickly ran through the door. I stubbed my toe, "fuck!" But, I carried on running to her. I got to the bed and pulled her into my arms as she was yelling and crying.

"No, no! Get off me!" She was yelling into her hands.

I held onto her tighter, "Sh. Sel, Sel... It's only me, I'm not going to hurt you baby, I swear... I promise" I quickly reassured her.

She turned around and sobbed into my shoulder. "I-I'm sorry..."

"It's fine, baby girl. It was just a bad dream" I told her as I stroked her hair.

"It was horrible, Justin..." She whispered against my chest.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked her, pulling her away so I could look her into eyes.

She nodded her head and I wiped the tears from her eyes as she started to speak. "I-I was at home with y-you and my li-little brother a-and-" she stuttered as she was trying to get her words out. "Selena, slow down, babe. Take a deep breath and then talk," I told her. I watched as she did what I said and slowly started to speak again, "and then some man came in. It happened to b-be Bruce. And he started hitting you and he took Harry from me... I did not know what to do. Then suddenly Harry was gone. I don't know where, it was like a new dream. We were at some kind of warehouse, it was cold, and it was dark. I looked over at you and I was crying, b-but you did nothing... I tried to move but I was strapped to a radiator. A-and Bruce came in and he started touching me... I felt so dirty, Justin. Like the time I felt when Chase touched me... But I was most hurt that you were just standing there. I-I saw he set off a bomb and walked out, leaving it for ten seconds. You walked up to the door and looked back at me. I was crying and begging you not to leave me, b-b-but you did... You left me a-and then I woke up..." She finished.

I feel like my heart had just been punctured. I cupped her face and kissed her lips softly. I pulled away, "Selena, I can promise you right now that will never happen. I will never leave you. Fuck, I would rather meet death before I let you meet harm! I couldn't stand losing you!" I reassured her as I slightly raised my voice.

She smiled and slowly nodded. "So wipe those tears away, okay? I am going to take a shower... I won't be long" I said and kissed her cheek before walking over to the bathroom, slipping off my boxers and jumping in the shower. I cannot believe she dreamt that... I would never leave her. I could not stand to lose that girl. She is everything to me. I started to overthink everything. I think I'm falling in love with my best friend... Once I jumped out the shower, Selena jumped in. I put on a fresh pair of boxers and some jeans and collapsed onto my bed. I lay there, with the sun shining in through the window and waited for Selena to get out the shower. We both decided we were going to skip school today. It was only Friday and after last night, we are both knackered.

The Fall (Justin Bieber Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora