The Final Fall - Chapter 22

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(Selena's POV):

I woke up the next morning to see Justin was now gone. But, where?

I sat up in our Queen size bed and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up a bit more. I felt a sharp pain in my womanhood and winced at it. Fuck. I'm so sore from last night.

Justin walked through the door in just his boxers with a tray in his hands.

"Oh! You're up!" he smiled brightly as he made his way over to me. He sat down on the bed and kissed my cheek before placing the tray in-between us.

"For you, princess," he smiled as he looked down at the plates.

I followed his eyes to see heart shaped pancakes with strawberry sauce, strawberries and whipped cream.

"You're so romantic when you want to be, Jay," I winked at him.

"I do try," he shrugged as he held a strawberry to my mouth, "now open".

I did as he said and took a bite of the strawberry slowly, making sure my lips surrounded it. I watched how Justin's mouth turned into an O shape and he was slightly frowning.

"Don't eat it like that in front of me unless you want me to rip your clothes off again," he smirked.

"What clothes?" I corrected him as I pretended to take a sneak peak under the covers at my naked body.

I noticed Justin try to take a look but I quickly pulled the sheets to my chest, "Now, now, Bieber..." I warned him off.

He crawled next to me as he made his way under the sheets, too.

"Let me just clarify something to my beautiful girlfriend, okay?" he said and I nodded in return. I loved being called his girlfriend now.

"I am the only one who gets to touch you like this..." he whispered in my ear as he trailed his left hand up my thighs, getting closer to my area.

"The only one who gets to pleasure you in any kind of way," he pushed a finger inside of me. I gasped at how unexpected it was but let him continue.

"And..." his hot breath was breathing against my neck. "I'm the only one that gets to fuck you... senseless," he bit down on the weak spot of my neck and started slowly sucking on the skin.

I arched my head back in complete pleasure.

"Aren't I, baby girl?" he smirked at me as his finger was still sliding in and out of me, causing me to moan.

"I promise," I bit down on my lip, staring back into his caramel eyes.

I arched my back and opened my legs wider to give Justin more room but he pulled away and lay back on the bed.

"What the fuck?" I spat, slightly.

"Frustrated already?" he winked at me.

"No," I lied as I crossed my arms.

I watched as he chuckled to himself while looking at his phone. "How about sore from last night?" he asked.

I immediately nodded and gave him puppy dog eyes as I pouted out my bottom lip, "very," I tried my hardest to look as cute as I could.

"There'll be plenty more where that came from," he smirked. "anyway, you better get ready. We're going on a road trip." he said.

"What kind of road trip?"I asked as he got up off the bed and walked over to the bathroom. Just before walking in, he leaned against the door frame, "to Canada," he smirked.

My face immediately lit up and I jumped off the bed, running over to him as I leaped into his arms. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around his torso.

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