"I mess everything up" - Chapter 10

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(Justin's POV):

I've been back at home for two hours now and I was bored. I needed something to do. I went downstairs to see what my Dad was doing but he was watching CSI, which bores the fuck out of me. It's so unrealistic. Gangs in real life are so different, I would know. I walked back upstairs into my room and I decided I was gonna call Selena. I dialled her number and it rang and rang until it went to voicemail. I probably left at least ten missed calls. That's not like Selena, she always answers her phone. I decided I had to go see her, something was worrying me. Walking out the house, I jumped in my car and drove to her house. Her car was there, her Dad's car was there, too. But, where was she? I quickly got out the car and shut my door. I ran up her path to her door, holding my pants up so they didn't fall down. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later, her Dad opened it. His eyes were blood shot and he looked tired.

"Mr Gomez..." I said, greeting him. He looked at me in confusion and raised his eyebrows trying to get a better look before he jumped up and pointed a finger at me, holding his beer bottle.

"Justin, right?" He asks and I nod.

"I haven't seen you in so long, son" he says.

I chuckle, "I know, it's been a while," I say.

"So, what brings you here then?" He asks.

"Oh, uh... Is Selena here?" I ask, hoping the answer to be yes.

"Oh, no, she's not. Her car is, and her phone was left on the kitchen table and her keys are still here, too. She probably went to the shops or something. I've only just got back" he tells me.

Then where the fuck is she? "Right. Okay, well, it was nice seeing you again" I tell him and we say goodbye. I hurry back to my car and lean against the bonnet. Where the fuck is she? She should be at home. It's been two hours since we left Kyle's. It's not like Selena to leave her phone at home when she's out either. I dig my fingers through my hair. I did this a lot when I was frustrated. I was just about to jump back into my car when I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and began reading it. My jaw tightened and my breathing was faster.

"Bieber, you want your girl? I'm sure you do, that's why you came to her house to look for her. But, she's having a fun time with me right now. Whoa, she's a hottie, right? I bet she'd be hella' fun in bed, too, with looking at this body. Too bad you'll never have that satisfaction. I'm an old friend of you both, I'm sure you won't mind me keeping her ;) - Your worst nightmare."

Who the fuck? I examined the letter over and over. Someone has got Selena. Who could possibly want Selena from here? From her own town that also knew me? That's when I realised. The only gang that knows of Selena here, is Bruce's. I thought I killed that bastard three years ago. I saw his factory explode back in Canada. He clearly fucking escaped.

I looked back at the letter and then I saw the handwriting. I know that handwriting from anywhere. The fucking italic way he writes, the circles on top of his letter i's. Bruce.

I was already in my car and racing down to his warehouse. I didn't care about the speed limit right now. All that was running through my mind was Selena and how yet again, she's in danger because of me. I knew they would be at this warehouse. He is too stupid to know otherwise. How could they think I wouldn't figure this out? They're fucking stupid, the whole crew of Bruce's, fucking stupid. I was coming up the warehouse when I noticed two guys standing outside, obviously back up of Bruce's. I revved up my engine to signal my arrival. Pulling out my pistol, I sat on the window of my car, still stirring with one hand. I shot twice quickly dodging their bullets as the bullet I shot went straight through the first man's forehead and straight through to the man behind him, killing them both instantly. They fell to the floor and I jumped back in the car and skidded it to a stop. I slammed on the breaks and jumped out. I ran over to a window and peered through. I saw Bruce sitting there like a nob watching TV. Where was Selena? I was pissed off now. I felt my nostrils flare and my jaw tighten, my chest rising up and down rapidly. I kicked down the door and raised my gun, walking into the room Bruce was in. I lifted him up by his shirt and held the gun to his head. "Where the fuck is she?!" I shouted in his face.

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