Suck on That Slytherin

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3rd Person POV

It was quite peaceful. (Y/N) wouldn't dare to open his eyes, he was still feeling some pain. He simply just laid in what he assumed was a hospital bed listening to the world around him. It had been about thirty minutes since we woke up. He felt considerably better, but still groggy. It wasn't the fact that he had been rendered unconscious twice in a school year, or that Voldemort might have returned, no. What was bothering (Y/N) was what happened after he assumed he fell unconscious when Hermione had come back for him in the chessboard room. He had dreams. Strange dreams. It was hard to describe what (Y/N) saw. It was if we was living another life, multiple lives in a distant time, long ago. Most likely a couple of centuries ago, maybe even a thousand years ago. (Y/N) wasn't too sure. He had never felt dreams be so realistic. (Y/N) pushed the dreams aside though, perhaps it was the fact that I have been knocked into unconsciousness twice he thought. The sound of Madam Pomfrey's footsteps echoing against the marbled floor distracted (Y/N) from his worrying thoughts.

 (Y/N) thought it would be best to no longer sit in silence and opened his eyes. The light blinded him as his eyes were adjusting to the immense exposure of light. Everything started to focus. (Y/N) was right, he was in the hospital bed, curtains drawn for privacy, at the bedside table was his wand and some gifts? Wait. What was Hermione doing here? (Y/N) pondered. There she was, sitting in the corner, sleeping in chair with a book in her lap. (Y/N) carefully examined her, she didn't seem to have any injuries, no bandages or blood. Wait, is she here for me? (Y/N) asked himself. It was understandable now that (Y/N) thought about it. I mean what you do after your friend had been seriously injured, not worry about them? (Y/N) sank back in his bed, he reached up to touch the top of his head, it had been wrapped in bandages. He then turned his attention back to Hermione, still sleeping in the chair. It mustn't have been comfortable now that (Y/N) thought about it. (Y/N) decided that waking her up was the best thing to do, she could finally get some proper sleep in a bed knowing that her friend was ok. (Y/N) sat up a little too fast, bringing back some dizziness and light headedness. His throat was still dry, he reached over the the bed side table and drank his glass of refreshing water. (Y/N) then turned to Hermione who to be honest, looked a little cute and peaceful. (Y/N) felt his cheeks burn a little. "Hermione." (Y/N) whispered as he saw her stir in her sleep. A smile formed on (Y/N)'s face. "Hermione, if you don't wake up you'll miss the charms exam..." (Y/N) whispered with a smirk. Hermione stirred again, this time mumbling something under her breath before moving her arms. She began to stretch in what (Y/N) could describe quite a similar manner to a cat. She then rubbed her eyes before opening them and when she did, (Y/N) could see the smile form on her face. "(Y/N)!" she yelled as she sprung from her chair, in turn completely disregarding whatever book she was reading as it dropped on the floor and leaped to (Y/N) giving him a huge hug. (Y/N) in turn was in shock, not from the hug no, but due to the fact that Hermione had completely disregard a book's care, this was the same person that wouldn't let other people borrow any books that she got from the library out of fear of them damaging it and Hermione being exiled from the library by Madam Prince. Maybe he was overthinking it, he sometimes did that. "You gave us a big fright (Y/N)." Hermione whispered as she tightened her hug. "What happened after I got knocked out? (Y/N) asked, his face full of brown bushy hair. "Harry stopped him, but it wasn't Snape. It was Professor Quirrell." Hermione explained. Now that took (Y/N) by surprise. The two then broke their hug while Hermione explained everything on what happened. "So you mean to tell me that You-Know-Who has been residing in the back of a teacher's head for the entire year?" (Y/N) asked in disgust. "I'm afraid so..." Hermione replied. 

Their conversation was cut short when Madam Pomfrey opened the curtains, Professor Dumbledore was with her. "I'm afraid Miss Granger that I must cut short your conversation with Mr Pheonix." Dumbledore said with a smile. Hermione stood up, collected her book from the floor (trying not to make a scene when she found it on the floor) and turned to (Y/N), giving him a smile as she made her way out. Professor Dumbledore then gave a nod to Madam Pomfrey who moved to (Y/N), conducted some various test and then made her way out, closing the curtains to give him some privacy with the Professor. (Y/N) sat up, giving his full attention to the headmaster. "I trust that Miss Granger informed you of what happened that eventful night?" The headmaster asked. "Yes Professor." (Y/N) replied quickly. Dumbledore then noticed the sweets and small gifts on (Y/N)'s small bedside table. He smiled. "Ah, it seems your brave actions have not gone unnoticed, your peers have thought to gift you while you recovered. Isuggest you make a start on these sweets. May I help you?" he asked, (Y/N) nodded, the Professor went for a chocolate frog, catching it before it leaped away and eating it. "Hmmmm, my favorite." Dumbledore mumbled. "Professor." (Y/N) said Dumbledore simply mused is response "If you know what happened, then why do you need to speak to me?" (Y/N) asked. Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling. "I have noticed that within the library, a book is missing, you wouldn't happen to know were it might be?" the headmaster asked with a knowing smile. Welp, I'm screwed (Y/N) thought to himself. There was no point in lying, he should come clean and tell him everything. (Y/N) took a deep breath. "During the Christmas break, Harry, Ron and I had continued our search for Nicholas Flamel, I decided to use Harry's cloak to search in the restricted section." (Y/N) explained. "I was looking around and I felt something." Dumbledore's eyes narrowed. "What did you feel (Y/N)?" he asked cautiously. "I don't know Professor, I just felt compelled to read it." (Y/N) explained. "So I borrowed it." "Have you had any other unexplainable experiences?" Dumbledore asked. "Well... I had some strange dreams, I don't know what they were. It was like I was living other lives." (Y/N) said in disbelief, chuckling at his own words. "I wouldn't worry Professor, I've been hit on the head twice in a school year, some weird dreams are the last of my concerns." Dumbledore still looked ever so curious even though (Y/N) tried to forget his strange experiences. Books don't compel people to do things unless they are cursed, the book that (Y/N) took wasn't. Dumbledore was sure of it, it was just an old history book, a really old history book. Dumbledore sat up from his chair, "I wish you a speedy recovery Mr Phoenix." and made his way out. He would have to do some research, he wasn't certain what happened to (Y/N) but it was definitely abnormal. 

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