Chapter 5

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POV: Louise

Louise did everything to try and fix the time on the clock in her room. But nothing seemed to work. It just stayed frozen on 4:30 pm. Nothing could change it. Louise had spent what felt like hours trying to fix it. She just needed to do something to distract herself from her horrible situation. Being the last person on earth living with a gooey cat monster was not what she imagined her life being like. Her dad was going to teach her to cook and she was going to take over the restaurant. She was going to watch Gene become a musician and Tina become an author. That's always what she imagined they would grow up to be.

"Don't worry family," Louise reassured them well knowing they couldn't hear her, "I'll find a way to bring you back. Even if it costs my life."

Feeling defeated, Louise stepped into the living room. She flung herself onto the couch with an audible sigh. She remembered having so many good times here. Building couch forts with her dad and watching movies with her whole family. The memories just made this even more agonizing for Louise. She regretted never telling her family she loved them. She regretted every rude comment, every snarky comeback. Maybe they wouldn't have left her is she had been nicer to them.

Maybe this was her fault.

Louise sniffled, wiping away tears. She missed them. All she wanted was them.

Kopi nudged Louise with a sad noise. Probably as a way of asking, "Are you okay?"

"I just miss them" Louise shook, "I miss my family."

Kopi ran off into her parents room and emerged with the blanket from their bed in his mouth. Kopi wrapped the blanket around Louise.

That's when Louise finally broke. She sobbed into the blanket. She just wanted her family back. Her mom, her dad, her brother, her sister. Louise would do anything to be in their arms at this very moment. What did she do to deserve this? Why'd her family get taken away from her?

This grieving was halted when Louise got a sudden burst of sharp pain in her head.

"A-AH!" Louise hissed, "s-stop!"

The pain left. Louise took deep breaths. She needed to calm down. Getting emotional would only make things worse.

Kopi rubbed up against her, curling up and lying down next to her like a big cat.

Louise felt so emotionally exhausted. She held the blanket close, and fell asleep.

//That was chapter 5! Get ready because in chapter 6 shit starts getting real..//

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