Chapter 11

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POV: Louise

"You seem off, Louise.." Tina observed, "maybe you should rest.."

"Oh me? Off? No," Louise bluffed. She inched past Tina and ran off into the kitchen.

"Where do yo think you're going?" Tina asked, "there's no need to be scared, Louise. Just let us love you."

Louise heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

"We'll take good care of you here. All you have to do is join the fun. All of your problems will dissolve."

Louise grabbed a knife from the her fathers cooking tools.

"N-no," Louise shuddered, "you're not the real Tina. Real Tina doesn't act like this!"

Tina entered the kitchen.

"All you have to do is join the fun. Give yourself up and you'll never have to worry again."

"NO!" Louise cried.

Louise had her eyes clamped shut the whole time. It happened so quick. Louise barely knew what she did.

Louise was horrified when she opened them back up. Louise had sunk the knife directly into Tina's chest. Even if it wasn't the real Tina, it was still terrifying to imagine. What if that was the real Tina?

Louise pulled the knife out of Tina's chest. She began to bleed a strange black substance.

"IM SORRY!" Louise sobbed.

Then Tina began to transform. Her body changing into an all black cat-like gooey form. It was like Kopi, but terrifying. The monster screeched with rage.

"No!" Louise cried, "Please!"

Kopi charged into the room, tackling the other monster.

Kopi managed to throw the creature out the fire escape and they ran off with a hiss.

"You saved me," Louise spoke, in awe.

Kopi nudged Louise lovingly.

Louise didn't respond. She was still in shock.

What if more of those monsters come for me? What if that had been the real Tina and I just killed her? What will happen if they kill me? Would I die in the real world too? I can't let them get me. Who knows what would happen to my family if I.. died.

There was a long silence.

"We have to leave now. Goodbye, Louise."

"Bye family," Louise shook.

"Please don't let my sister die. Please."

"We won't, Gene. We're trying our hardest."

Louise realized this whole time she'd been thinking about Tina. She barely remembered her brother. Her poor brother. Poor Gene. Whatever happened to Louise, Gene and Tina had seen it. This only made Louise feel worse. Knowing that her siblings were out there hurting because of whatever Louise had gotten herself into.

Kopi nudged her again.

"Can you do that too?" Louise asked.

Kopi tilted his head.

"The shapeshifting thing," Louise clarified.

Kopi nodded, his form beginning to change.

//Hehehehheh oh boy. So yeah now we know there's more monsters and they can impersonate anyone Louise trusts. Soon we will see more of them. And also soon we will know what happened to Louise. After everything the voices have said what do you think happened to Louise? I love hearing your theories!//

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