Chapter 6:

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You stood outside of a dressing room in the mall with a sour look on your face. It scared away a lot of people, which was your goal. The less people to look at the dressing room, the better. How did you end up in this position?

Catty had complained that she didn't have any clothes for the party. After a few begs and whines, you decided to go with her. After shopping for hours on end, she insisted that she try on a cute dress. You agreed to stand outside the changing room door to ward off everyone.

This dress better not look slutty. Catty's a pretty girl. I'm not letting her get raped because some guy thinks she's asking for it.

Your protective instincts over Catty only intensified after your frequent hangouts. You considered her a little sister, and only wanted the best for her.

You refused to let her have the shitty high school experience you had.

Catty knocked on the door, and you opened it to reveal an excited Catty. You smiled. It didn't look slutty. If she gets hurt, the abuser has no excuse.

"You look good!" You clapped.

She spun around in the mirror, watching the sequins reflection bounce off the mirror. You giggled at her reaction.

"Magenta is definitely your color." You hummed.

She smiled widely. "So I look okay?"


She pulled a mirror shard from her purse and kissed it. Then, she placed it back in and shut the changing room door.

After a few more minutes, she stepped out with the dress on a clothing hanger, her original outfit already back on.

"Who's picking you up?" You asked, carrying the dress for her.

She shrugged. "I think Cleo. Can I get her to get me from your house? The party is today, anyway."

You furrowed your brows. I didn't think it was the weekend already. "What day is it?"


You nodded. "Okay. Yeah, get her to pick you up from my house."


Catty applied a light layer of mascara on her lashes and blinked. You smiled at her, your tail swinging back and forth at a constant pace.

"Am I good?" She asked.

You nodded. "Yep! You look great!"

Catty giggled and squealed. "My first party!! I can't wait!"

"Now, remember-" you grabbed her by her shoulders and spun her around to face you. "If anyone touches you, call me. If anyone hurts you, call me. If you get too high, drunk, or whatever, call me. If you need a place to stay, call me. If you need a ride, call me. If you-"

"Yeah, yeah." She laughed, and she waved her hand in the air. "I'll call you. I promise."

A loud honk sounded from outside, and you pushed Catty to the door. "Go! Be safe!"

She nodded and left.

After the door closed, you remained seated on the couch. Worry and dread filled you.

I can't believe it's her first party. We only met earlier this week, and I'm already worried about her. Oh, I hope she's going to be okay. She said she'd call me, but would she really? I doubt she really would. I hope she does. I'd rather her call me than her call one of her drunk friends.

You chewed your lip, anxiety fueling you. You settled down further into the cushions. You checked the time.

Only 8 at night? Damn...she's gonna be out late.

🧡🧡🧡Catty P.O.V🧡🧡🧡

I slid into the passenger seat of Cleo's convertible. The leather seats felt cool and unwelcoming compared to (Y/N)'s soft fabric car seat. I reached for the belt buckle, but Cleo caught my arm.

"You don't have to buckle up, you know. Come on, loosen up. It's a party!"

She reversed quickly, threw the car in drive, and sped off down the road. A trail of black followed her tires.

Cleo's driving is nothing like (Y/N)'s safe driving. (Y/N)'s driving is comforting...Cleo's is just reckless.

Cleo whooped from the open roof, urging me to do so as well. I did, feeling the tension leaving my shoulders with every loud shriek I made.

"Who's gonna be there?" I asked, trying to yell over the loud wind.

Cleo put on a pair of sunglasses and grinned. "Like, half the school!"

I nodded.

"You ever drank before?" She asked

"No." I replied.

"We're gonna get you fucked up." She chuckled at me.

That sounds so pressuring. (Y/N) isn't this pressuring. She wouldn't even offer it to me.

The realization that I was much safer with (Y/N) than I was with Cleo became very evident to me, and I shrunk back in my seat at the dread and terror that nested in my gut.

I gotta try, though. It's my chance to be free and have fun. I can't let my nerves mess with me. This isn't going to be fun if I'm not loose and excited.

I squeezed my eyes shut, Cleo's loud yelling and the wind completely busting my eardrums. My head thumped. This was going to be nothing like I expected and everything that (Y/N) told me.

Is it too late to change my mind? Is it too late to just go back to (Y/N)'s house?

I felt around for the broken mirror shard in my purse and slowed my heart when I felt it. I would be okay.

All the rape and murder incidences that (Y/N) told me about were freak cases. It wouldn't happen to me. The possibility of it happening to me was so low. Why was I worrying again?

I smiled. Just be excited.

I threw my hands up and whooped with Cleo, who laughed loudly at my participation.

See? Just be excited. Nothing's going to happen.

Yandere Catty Noir x Werecat! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now