Chapter 21:

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You stared at Catty's sleeping form with hatred bubbling in your stomach. Your heightened senses caught on to her heavy breathing, and if you knew you'd make it you'd attempt an escape. You didn't dare try it, too afraid of her bodyguards to actually make a move.

It seemed like your only options were to either fall in love with her or live the rest of your life hating everything. Both sounded miserable.

You weren't even angry that she had taken you. You were annoyed by it, but no other emotion was present. It confused you, it were as if your mind was in shock from the incident.

The bedroom door slowly opened, and you looked at whoever had interrupted your thinking. A crew member, who's name you had completely forgotten, stood in the doorway.

"You want out of here?" He whispered.

"Yes." You replied bluntly.

"Then get up. I'm only helping you once, and this can't come back to me. Understand?"

"Got it." You carefully crawled off the bed, being extra sensitive to Catty's breathing patterns. By the time your feet hit the ground, she still hadn't woken up.

You sighed in relief and walked with the man. He unlocked the door and allowed you out.

You stepped down, the moonlight illuminating your face. The smell of cigarettes caused you to turn your head. The other members of her band stared at you in surprise.

"Who let you out?"

"I did." You replied quickly. "I stole Catty's keys."

They blinked in disbelief. You shrugged against the cold and scoffed.

"What? You gonna put me back in there?"

They all looked at eachother before staring at the ground.

"You better leave, girl. And do it fast."

You didn't wait for a second sentence, as you had already made a run for it. Your speed greatly outweighed theirs, so you felt confident that you were finally free. The first thing you'd do would be taking a shower. You'd figure out the rest later.

You arrived at a bus stop and heaved a sigh. Thank God you had made it.

The bus came not a minute later, and you hopped on it, desperate to go anywhere other than where you were. The bus stopped at a destination, but you didn't get off. You refused to.

After the third stop, you finally got off and inhaled the cold air. Then, you were off to find a route to your house.

You opened your front door and sighed. It felt amazing to be home, though you knew that peace would be short lived. You had to move. You had to change your name. You had to do something, anything to keep Catty away from you.

You disposed of the thoughts and focused on taking a shower first. You stripped and allowed the water to roll down your sweaty body. Then, you lathered your hair in soap and rinsed it. You couldn't believe how amazing a simple shower would feel. It was something that you had taken for granted in the past. Your experience being kidnapped had put things in a different perspective for you.

You changed and packed a suitcase. Then, you dialed Tony's number over your house phone.

He answered immediately. "(Y/N)! Where have ya been?? Are ya okay?!"

"No, Tony, I'm not." You let out a shaky laugh. "I need to ask a favor of you."

He nodded against the phone. "Anythin' to help you out, kid."

"I need to sell my house as soon as possible, but I can't be here to do it. Can I sign my house over to you and you sell it?"

"Wha-?! Why?!"

"I'm...I'm being hunted. I need to move soon. Before anyone can find me."

"Of course, kid. What about the furniture?"

"I don't care. Sell it, keep it, whatever."

"I'll sell it...and I'll send ya the money."

"Thanks, Tony."

"Can I ask ya for a favor now?"


"Keep in touch, will ya?"

You laughed dryly. "Of course."

You hung up after. Then, you grabbed your favorite blanket and curled up in your bed. You sobbed lightly. You didn't want to move. You didn't want things to change.

But they had to. It was time for you to be a real adult. It was time for you to survive.

You fell asleep with tears pouring from your eyes, your sadness and grief having lulled you to sleep.

Yandere Catty Noir x Werecat! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now