Chapter 10:

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You opened your eyes to a very pitiful looking Catty. She had a large pout on, and her brows were furrowed. You squinted your eyes at her as she stood over your bed.

"Cat? What's wrong?"

She pulled her arms closer to her body and adjusted her dress, which was sideways and very disheveled.

"I-I don't wanna be alone.." she hummed.

You nodded and slid over on the mattress, allowing her to crawl in the bed beside you and cover up. You turned on the other side, leaving your back to face her and closed your eyes.

After a few silent moments, you felt the mattress squish down, signaling that Catty was adjusting her position. It continued to move until you felt Catty right up against you. You turned your head to see her.

Her back was pressed against yours, aligning your spines as she nuzzled into the bed. You frowned, figured she was still drunk, and rested your head on the pillow again. Her deep breaths alerted you. She obviously wasn't asleep, and it seemed like she mainly just wanted closeness with you.

You smiled. Poor girl. She must be so scared.

Did she even eat yet? Maybe that's why she's up against me.

You inhaled deeply. "Catty?"

A few moments of silence passed, before a low "hm?" came from the girl behind you.

"Are you hungry?" You asked.

She didn't move, and instead yawned widely. "Not really. I'm just sleepy."

You nodded. Nope. Seems like she just wanted physical contact.

You allowed her to rest against you, and you adjusted the pillow before leaning fully against the mattress once more.

This feels weird. When was the last time I shared a bed with anyone? When was the last time I had a platonically intimate moment?? Maybe Catty's just touch starved.

You frowned at your inability to guess what she needed. Her random gesture had sent you spiraling down multiple thoughts of her well-being. No one had ever rested against you, so everything was still very new to you.

Catty turned over and nuzzled her face against your back before sighing and draping her arm over your waist. You stiffened. That seemed much less platonic and much more intimate.

"Catty, what's wrong?" You asked. You feared for the worst.

Alcohol poisoning? Overdose? Mental breakdown? Why was she being so sweet?

"I just like to be held sometimes, is that okay?"

You turned to face her. She looked at you with glossy eyes and a sincere smile. You allowed her to scoot closer to you and rest against your belly. Her breathing pattern matched yours, and your chests rose and fell in sync.

"Do you do this with your other friends?" You asked. Catty shrugged.

💖💖💖Catty P.O.V💖💖💖

"Why do you ask?" I returned a question.

"I was just wondering. So do you?"

"Occasionally." I lied.


"Yeah. We cuddle when we're alone." I lied again.

(Y/N) seemed satisfied with my answer and rested her arm over my shoulder, giving me the opportunity to wrap my arms around her waist. After a few moments, her body relaxed.

The affection I had been craving was slowly healing my nervousness. I melted against her, basking in the raw happiness and security I felt. I was safe. I was happy. I was loved.

I bit back a grin and imagined her fingers running through my hair and over my ears. Sure, we weren't together, but I could pretend, right?

In my imagination, we were a couple. We were together, enjoying each other's presence. We weren't distracted by anyone or anything else.

Even if reality was nothing like my imagination, it felt nice to be able to live a little bit of it.

My body relaxed completely, and my eyelids dropped at the safety I felt from her.

She'll be mine eventually. She has to. The way I feel isn't something I can dismiss. She has to feel it too, and if she doesn't, then she will eventually. I have a gut feeling we will be together.

My only mental escape laid beneath me, providing me with warmth and fondness unlike anything I had ever felt. My love for (Y/N) was true, I could tell.

Let's just admit our feelings!!

She might not have feelings for us yet. We gotta wait until we're sure she does.

But I'm getting impatient!!

Then we will make do with what we have.

I grabbed my iCoffin from beside us and opened the camera. Sure, she was unsuspecting, but what harm would a picture do?

I lifted the camera, showing mine and (Y/N)'s face on the screen. I pretended to be asleep to match (Y/N). Then, I snapped the picture and opened my eyes to look at it.

She was beautiful. She looked like a guard protecting a celebrity. We were a perfect match.

Should I set it as my background? Maybe I should have asked permission...

It's fine! We finally have a picture with her!! We even look like a couple!

I blushed at the thought. We really did look like a couple. If anyone were to see us in this position, they would definitely think that we were together.

I pushed my face further against (Y/N)'s belly to hide my blush. Her shirt smelled like her perfume, and I resisted the urge to squeal.

It was too good to be true!! A beasties to lovers trope wasn't what I was expecting, but I didn't mind. She already treated me much better than Pharaoh did, and her protectiveness of me only made me swoon more.

I grabbed her hand, which was draped over my shoulders lazily, and intertwined our fingers. Her ears twitched, and her tail jumped before settling beside her again.

I was holding her hand!! Her actual hand!!

I choked back another scream and tried to relax my body. Her perfume had sent me into a dizzy, drooling mess, and I tried to tame the physical effects it had on me.

I can't wait for us to be together. We're gonna make the front of every magazine ever!

Yandere Catty Noir x Werecat! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now