Chapter 28:

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The thought of killing Catty and her crew had only increased. Murder wasn't something you had really considered, but now it was the best option you could think of. You didn't see anything wrong with it.

You looked to the mirror across the bed. You were a mess, with bags under your eyes and a scrawny figure. You had never seen yourself so...ruined.

You had always kept up with yourself, but now it was a chore that you refused to do.

You had let yourself go completely.

You stared into the mirror for what felt like hours, getting lost in the person you saw that reflected from the glass.

Slowly, a new face lifted itself up, revealing its demented and horrific face. You gasped and sat up, turning to the side of the bed where you had seen it. There was nothing there.

You sighed. What the hell?

You shook it off. Maybe you really were going insane?

No! Of course not!

You sighed again and lifted yourself from the bed. Then, you made your way to the living room of the bus. You needed others around you.

As much as you acted like it didn't phase you, the anxiety ate at your throat. Was it really there? Was it all in your mind? Were you really going insane?

A sudden hand landed on your shoulder, and you turned to see one of the crew members. "Hey.." He spoke quietly. "Are you okay?"

You nodded and gave him a fake smile. "Of course!"

"You're crying." He noted.

You felt your face. From all of your stress, you hadn't realized that you had tears streaming down your face.

Your lip quivered, the confrontation only making you feel worse.

"W-Where's Catty?" You smiled sadly.

"Performing." He looked down at you with a frown. "Do you need a hug?"

You cried harder, finally breaking down. You nodded silently as you whimpered. Any type of comfort was good enough.

His arms pulled you against his chest, and your sobs racked through your body.

Everything had been so stressful for you, and you finally let it all out. Your cries echoed through the bus. It reverberated off the walls and into your ears, only fueling your despair.

The man slowly ran his fingers through your hair, happy that he could help, even if it was by just a little bit.

The sound of the door opening startled you, and you jumped back in surprise. You looked to see who had opened the door, and Catty's bright, smiling face came into view.

The crew member backed away, being sure not to be in close range of you. Catty's smile fell, and a dark aura surrounded her.

"What's going on?" She asked, raising a brow.

"She asked where you were." He swallowed hard.

You smiled sadly. "Yeah, you were gone for so long, and I-I got scared without you." The lie came out of you easily, almost like it had been rehearsed.

The smile returned to her face once again. "Aw, baby!" She squealed. "I'll always be right here! If you ever need me, you can come get me!"

"But you were on stage, and -"

"And you can pull me off stage any time you'd like."

You nodded and stepped towards her. "Okay, come on." You pulled on her hand and led her away from the man.

He watched you go. He was sad that you had to endure such a sinister life. You were constantly on edge, you were stuck, you were hopeless. You needed a way out.

He could be that for you!

But how?

He sat down and thought hard. How could he ever help you? The last guy who helped was killed. Was there a way around being shot and murdered?

Well, if he got to Catty first, then maybe...

But he couldn't bring himself to kill anyone. He was sane.

But you weren't, which only made him pity you more.

"So, where do you want to eat?" Catty asked as she slowly stripped off her show dress.

"Chinese food would be good." You replied, not looking her way.

She frowned. She had hoped to get your attention with her naked body, but apparently, she'd have to do it a different way.

She approached you as you sat on the bed. She straddled you and sat in your lap. Then, she wrapped her arms around you seductively.

You sighed. You weren't really in the mood, but you didn't want to test her.

The sex lasted only a few minutes. You wanted to be away from her. You wanted to scrub her off of your skin. You wanted any proof of her existence out of your mind.

But unfortunately, the universe had something else planned.

She smiled widely as she lay on the bed with sweat dripping off of her face.

You sat upright with another blunt in your hand. You didn't want to look at her. You didn't want to listen to her. You didn't want anything to do with her.

You wanted to go home.

"Hey, let's get that Chinese food you wanted, yeah?" She rubbed your bare back.

You shook your head as you finished what you had been smoking. "I want to go to bed."

You blew the smoke from your lungs and put out the blunt. She frowned. "Already?"

"Yeah." You nodded. "I don't like being awake anymore. I just want some good sleep."

"W-Well here!" She jumped up. "I'll go to bed with you!"

"Nah." You waved your hand in the air to clear it from the smoke. "Just go get me that Chinese food I wanted, and I'll eat it when I get up."

She nodded and put her clothes on. She walked to the door. She stopped, turning to you with a sad expression. "Do you love me?" She asked.

You sighed. Did you? Of course not.

But would that be a good enough answer? Or would you get killed?

You paused before speaking again. "Of course I love you. What kind of dumb fucking question is that?" You spat.

The smile returned to her face. She had gotten the answer she wanted, and she left the room in satisfaction.

You threw the blanket over you and laid on the pillow.

The door opened, and the same man from earlier peeked his head in.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked.

"Sure." You replied, and you tucked the blanket underneath you.

"My name's Hunter." He introduced himself. "And you're (Y/N)."

"Yep." You replied.

"I heard you two." He chuckled. "Sounds like you love her."

"Yeah, bullshit." You scoffed. "Just trying to save my ass."

"Well, what if I told you there was a way for you to get away?"

You froze. Was it true? Or was it a test?

You glared at him. "Mhm, and how do you think I could do that?"

He closed the door and approached the bed. "Let's talk." He smiled.

Yandere Catty Noir x Werecat! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now