Chapter 9:

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You laid Catty on your couch gently. She, who had been asleep for a few minutes, only buried her face deeper into your neck as you adjusted her position. You rolled her on her side for safety measures and covered her up. Then, you made your way to your bedroom.

You stepped out of your shorts and slid into bed, listening carefully for any sounds of movements Catty could make. After a few moments of silence, you lifted your head to hear better.

Still nothing.

You, full of anxiety and adrenaline, slowly stepped out of your bed. The dark surrounded you, and you held your hands out infront of you to feel your way through your bedroom door. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, allowing your night vision to come into play and let you see much better.

Catty laid in the exact position you had put her in, her chest slowly lifting up and down with every breath she took. You watched as she wiggled her nose, then went right back to a deep sleep.

You went over to your fridge and pulled out something to drink. It didn't seem like your nerves would let you rest anytime soon, anyway.

With that in mind, you sat down in your recliner and relaxed against it, listening to Catty's breathing as you sipped on your drink.


A soft mew reached your ears, and you sat up slowly. You didn't remember falling asleep, but you resting against the chair gave you the idea that you had. You looked over at Catty, who had stayed asleep.

Her face was a deep crimson color, and she shivered under the blankets. You frowned. I hope she didn't poison herself from drinking too much.

You walked over to her and touched her forehead lightly.

She's running a fever...I doubt she'd want to get in a cold bath, though.

You frowned. What now?? You had little to no experience being a mom, so what else could you do?? You scraped your mind for any memory of your mom taking care of you. Taking a cold shower? Not good while Catty was drunk. Medicine? You didn't have any for fevers. A cold rag? That's it! A cold rag!

You rushed to wet a rag with cold water before squeezing the excess water out. Then, you laid it over her forehead before lifting the blanket enough for her to get some air on her arms and legs.

Catty opened her eyes and stared up at you. A small smile graced her lips, and you grinned at her.

"How're you feeling?" You asked, running your hand up and down her arm.

"Not good." She hummed, and she leaned into your touch more.

"Are you sober yet?"

"No...but I'm much more sober than last night."

"Good." You hummed. "I bet someone drugged you."


You nodded. "Those things can happen, Cat."

She grinned at your nickname.

💖💖💖Catty P.O.V💖💖💖

Cat? That was a cute nickname.

My cheeks felt hot from the blanket, and I shoved it off of me.

"I don't wanna go home." I whined, ignoring her stare.

"I won't send you home Catty." She hummed.

She stood up to walk away, and I reached my arm out and grabbed her wrist. She looked back at me, her tail swishing beside her.

"Where're you going?" I asked.

"I gotta get ready for work."

"You're gonna leave me?"

"I have to."

"Please don't." I cried out. She looked down at me and squatted beside the couch. Her silence was agonizing. I don't want you to leave my side. "Just...just stay here with me."

Maybe it was the alcohol being clingy. Maybe it was the fact that I was attacked. Who knew??

She thought for a second. "Fine. I'll call Tony and tell him I can't make it."

She stood up and walked to her bedroom.

(Y/N)'s so nice to me. She really cares a lot! I'm so lucky to have her as my friend!!

Isn't she caring a bit too much, though?

What? There's no such thing.

Sure there is. There's beastie caring, and then there's relationship caring. Don't you think this is more what a girlfriend would do?

You think so? Taking care of me is a relationship thing?

You don't see Frankie here, do you?


Exactly. Frankie's a friend. (Y/N) must be more than that.

She thinks we're just friends.

Maybe she wants more than that.

You're right. But I don't wanna ask her!

Why not? You like her too.

No I don't.

You were checking her out when she saved you. You always think she's beautiful and sweet to you. You always get flustered around her. You like her.

Is that what it's like to love someone?

Yep. You want her to be your girlfriend.

Maybe I do! So what?

So don't risk loosing her.

Heavy footsteps interrupted my thoughts, and I turned to look at (Y/N). She crouched down beside me and adjusted the rag.

Every touch she made sent off bells in my body. Everything was easily misinterpreted as flirting, and my mind grew tired of trying to decipher which was which.

Tired of trying to see the difference, I rolled over and covered up.

"Try to get some rest, Cat."

"I-I will. Thank you, (Y/N)."

"You're welcome."

She walked back to her bedroom, leaving me alone in her dimly lit livingroom. Her scent never left, though, and I enveloped myself with her blanket that was drowned in her perfume.

Yandere Catty Noir x Werecat! ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora