Chapter 30:

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You stared at Catty in disgust as she slipped her clothes back on. You stayed naked in the bed, hatred swirling in your gut. You had wanted nothing more than to get a good nights rest, but Catty was so demanding that you hadn't gotten the chance to.

Now it was morning, and you craved the sleep you so desperately needed. She turned to look at you, trying to see if you were watching her.

You were.

She giggled and finished getting dressed. Then, she grabbed her phone and wallet and made her way to the door. "I'm going to get some breakfast, do you want anything?"

You shook your head no. "I want to sleep."

You laid down under the blankets, too tired to pay attention to anything she said after.

Eventually, the door shut, and you turned on your back to stare at the ceiling. You wanted to die.

You wanted her to die.

You had never felt so emotionless. You had never felt so dull.

But what were your options?

You thought over what Hunter had told you. He had given you 2 options, and you were desperate to think of the best one.

1. You could run away again. You could move states. You could change your name. The downfall? She could always find you again.

2. You could kill Catty. You could take a knife or a gun. You could end the game in a matter of seconds. The downfall? You would be murdering someone!!!

Your brain scratched every idea for a solution. The only other option was suicide, which had begun to look more and more pleasing. There were pills all over the bus. There were weapons. There were clothes to hang yourself with.

And if you wanted to go out with a bang and take everyone else with you, you could always crash the bus.

You smiled. You'd end your suffering and everyone else's. That'd make you a hero, right?

Besides, who would care? They'd all be dead, anyway.

No one could survive if you went fast enough and hit something big enough.  No one could escape.

You sighed and pulled your hair from your face. There was no use in thinking things like that. There was no use in having fantasies. They'd all get ruined, anyway.

A knock at the door sounded through the room, and you closed your eyes quickly to pretend to be asleep. The door widened, and a shadow slowly covered you. You froze. Who was in the bedroom? Where was Catty?

"Are you awake?"

You opened your eyes quickly. "Hunter!"

He smiled and carefully shut the door behind himself. "Shh, don't say my name too loud! You'll get me killed!" He joked.

You covered your mouth and giggled. "Okay, okay. I'll be quiet."

He sat on the foot of the bed and pointed to your bare shoulders that had been barely sticking out over the blanket.

"Bet you had a good morning." He gave a lopsided smile. Despite the jealousy that tore into him, he managed to keep a playful tone.

You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "The exact opposite of a good morning. I've been up all night long." You let out a groan, and you pulled the blanket up to your chin as you laid flat.

"I heard." He deadpanned.

"Oh, god." You groaned again. Your face slowly began to heat, and you looked to the wall to avoid eye contact.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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