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"You came into my life,
A shy nervous boy,
I was amazed by your determination,
Your talent,
Your soul."

The eighteen year old boy jumped around his room, a hairbrush in his hand...His deep voice  belting out his favourite song, not a care in the world.

"We danced, sang and laughed together,
The days rolling into nights,
Our friendship grew,
Our hearts too.
My boy."

A hard rap on his bedroom door paused him in his actions and he looked towards the person who was stood leaning on the doorframe a smile on his face chuckling at his son just being himself.

"Eomma, can I help you with something? Is it time to cook?"

"If you want to help son, you can."

"Ok. I'll be right there...Is Appa joining us tonight?"

The 39 year old smiled at his son and nodded.

"He is...He called not long ago...I'll be downstairs."

The young boy nodded and placed his hairbrush down, walking over to his wardrobe he chose a clean shirt and pants and changed out of his uniform, then made his way down to his mother.

His family wasn't your average family, his mother was male, and had carried him inside...the teen had been born premature at 32 weeks so his mother was extra protective of him.

Working as a chef in his own restuarant his mother barely had time to see his husband and son, but this day he had taken time of early so he could catch up with his son after school.

The teen's Appa was a doctor and like his husband barely had time spare for his husband and son...So this night was a time to catch up on thier lives.

Reaching the kitchen soon after the teen pushed his glasses up his face before reaching for an apron and tying it around his waist...His Eomma turned to him.

"How does japchae sound, and rice?"

The teen nodded and opened the fridge to gather the ingredients he would need, while his Eomma prepared a cake for after.

"So Taehyungie, how is school?"

The teen stopped and glanced at his Eomma...he always asked this after the 'incident.'

"It's fine Eomma...same old same old."

"That boy hasn't caused any more problems right?"

Taehyung shook his head and began to soak the noodles while placing vegetables on the counter to chop.

"No Eomma, Kia has been quiet..."

"Good...are you enjoying your lessons?"

Taehyung nodded. Hiding the truth.

In fact, the day had been good except for the morning when he saw the before mentioned boy trapping a young boy between himself and a locker and had immediately reported him...anonimously of course. Taehyung went to an all-boys school and sometimes he hated it, sometimes he loved it.

This was Taehyung's life...he saw a wrongdoing...instead of looking the other way he would go straight to a teacher and disclose what he had seen.

He was known as a nerd in school...and often got kicks and punches to his body because of it, but his mother had always taught him that something wrong didn't make it right, so he just told to lead a rightous life...he didn't see what he did to be wrong, the bad people were the ones in the wrong.

The 'problem' his Eomma mentioned had occured after Taehyung had seen Kai trying to force a boy into unholy acts and Taehyung had walked straight up to him and pulled him off him, placing his body between the boy and his tormentor.

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