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A week passed and the two men grew closer.

Jungkook left for a couple of days to drive to Seoul with his paintings but returned quickly, bringing along a present for his now boyfriend Taehyung.

As he walked over to the older's house, his hand in his pocket cradling the small box in his hand his heart was fluttering with nerves, would he say yes to him? Would he think it was too soon?

As he reached Taehyung's house though, he felt a sense of foreboding...something was wrong...it was dark out but no lights were on in the olders home, and the front door was wide open.

"Tae'..." Jungkook whispered and rushed into the house.

His eyes took in the horrifying sight, vases smashed all over the floor, furniture turned upside down and blood...His insides fluttered at seeing the dark red liquid covering the floor, was that? That couldn't be Tae's blood could it.

Remaining quiet, unsure whether whoever did this was still inside, he followed the blood, his eyes soon widening at the metal leg came into his vision, Tae's leg.

His heart pounding in his chest, he pushed himself forward, praying his boyfriend wasn't too badly hurt.

He trained his ears for any sound and that's when he heard a slight whimper.


Moving forward again he soon saw a body lying on the floor, his hand on his chest as red blood seeped from between his fingers. Jungkook rushed forward and dropped to his knees, startling Tae' who jumped at the sudden move.

"Tae' What happened? Who did this."

Tae's eyes were scared as he shook his head.

"Leave, they are still here...please go."

Jungkook shook his head and in a swift movement he swept Tae' into his arms and rushed out of the house. His legs took him straight to his house and he crashed through the door. Heading to his lounge he opened the door and placed Tae' gently down on the sofa, then he pulled his phone out and shakily dailed a number.

The other side was answered on the third ring and Jungkook didn't give the other person time for introductions.

"Mr Kim, you need to come to my house right now it's Tae', he needs emergency treatment."

Jin was the one who had answered and Jungkook could hear the worry in his tone.

"What? What's happened to my son?"

"I don't know, I turned up to see him and it looks like he's been attacked, please hurry, bring your husband..."

Before Jin could reply Jungkook hung up. He turned to face Tae' whose eyes were closed and his heart pounded in his chest, rushing to him he dropped again to his knees.

"Tae' baby, open your eyes please, talk to me, what happened?"

Tae's breathing was rapid by now but he opened his eyes slowly and looked at him.

"You...Your Wife...She stabbed me."

Jungkook was stunned. Courtney did this? But why?


He said this more to himself than to Tae' but the older grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.

"You must leave, she...she warned me, she told me she would return...she brought a man with her...he held me down...please leave Jungkook."

Jungkook had heard enough.

"You really think I'm going to leave you like this...No, She will pay for what she's done."

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