Fourteen. (s)

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"Your food sir's." 

The waitress said, her eyes on Tae' a little longer than necessary. Jungkook cleared his throat, making her look at him.

"My husband is not a TV, you don't need to watch him."

The waitress gulped and bowed.

"Sorry sir's, please enjoy your meal's."

Jungkook nodded as she rushed away then looked at Tae' who was glaring at him.


"Why were you so rude to her, she wasn't doing any harm?"

"She was looking at my man, I saw her eyes trailing up and down your body, only I can look at you that way..."

Tae' blushed slightly but carried on.

"Still, There's no need to be rude...Don't do it again."

Jungkook smiled at him and nodded.

"Ok, I won't, happy?"

Tae' nodded and looked down at his food, licking his lips and eagerly picking his cutlery up and digging in. Jungkook simply watched him smiling at how cute he was. In minutes he looked up, his mouth full and noticed Jungkook watching him.

"You not eating?" He said while chewing.

"I'm full watching you." Jungkook said and chuckled, making Tae' blush again.

"Yah...Eat will you."

Jungkook chuckled and picked up his cutlery and began to eat.

"Excuse me, sir?"

They both looked up and two young girls were eyeing Tae' again making Jungkook furious. Tae' looked towards Jungkook and shook his head slightly, knowing he would say something again and he looked up at the girls.

"Can I help you?"

"My friend here think's you are the famous singer Baekhyun...Are you him?"

Taehyung smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry but no, I'm not him."

"You would say that though...You look like him..." The other girl said not wanting to be proven wrong.

Jungkook was about to say something but Tae' shook his head at him and looked at the girls again.

"Say...Does this singer have both his legs?"

The girls looked at him weird.

"Of course, how else would he dance the way he does?"

At this reply Tae' moved his leg from under the table and raised his pants slightly. The girls looked down and gasped.

"You're not him, I'm so sorry sir, You look so much like him...Sorry for bothering you, um, seeya."

Tae' chuckled as he watched them walk away, one of them slapping the other across her shoulder and talking with her hands. Then he looked at Jungkook.

"See, rudeness is not always necessary."

Jungkook pouted as he continued eating, mumbling under his breath words Tae' couldn't hear, making the older chuckle again.

In no time they had finished and decided to leave.

Walking towards home they decided to take a detour through the park, a place that held such beauty to Taehyung.

As it was a sunny day young children were playing, throwing balls to each other and the path they were on was filled with jogger's, other couple's walking and bikers going about their daily business.

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