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"I'm out you little shit, and when I find you and your little boyfriend I'm gonna make sure you never breathe again..."

Those words flowed through Jungkook's mind making him sweat and as he looked at the baby beside him he bit his lip...What could he do now...Run? Why hadn't he left his phone in the room when he used the bathroom before? But would that have helped...His father was vicious when angered.

He felt bad as he knew what Taehyung had been saying was true...clearly his father hated him, and had no love left for his own child...but to threaten to hurt them? What had happened to his only family to make him be like this.

It wasn't like he killed his mother...Cancer had taken her, so how was he to blame for that?

He also hated how he had treated Taehyung the last time he saw him...He and his family had been nothing but kind to him so why? He had to protect them, thats why?

But where would he go? And how. He had no money and no transport so what could he do seriously?

Should he tell them what his father had said to him? Shaking his head he decided that wouldn't be a good idea, that would put them in his fathers way, and they could get hurt...He didn't want that.

He looked at his bag and made his decision, so climbing off the bed he packed his things and looked at his 'son' He sighed and grabbed a pad of paper from Taehyungs drawer and wrote a one-word note. 'Sorry'...

Looking at the time he noted Taehyung would be home soon, so he placed his 'son' in his drawer and covered him over gently.

Now was the time...He would leave and protect his new friends that way, how he would get about he had no idea...He would have to figure out a way to make money too...He was good at drawing so he could always draw people's portraits, but to do that he would have to find somewhere to draw...This small town was a bad idea so he would hitchhike to the next town over, He would have to sleep on the streets for now but it was worth it to protect those he loved.

So hoisting his bag onto his shoulder he took one last look at his new friend's room and walked out.

Knowing he was alone was a bonus, no need to try and explain what he was doing to any of them, and as he slipped out of the house, his knee protesting he walked the small distance to the end of the street and looked around...a car was seen driving down the road, the driver a woman who looked like your average soccer he held his hand out, waving her car down.

He smiled when she pulled over, winding her window down and looking at him curious.

"Can I help you son?"

Here goes...Jungkook thought and looked at her smiling.

"Um, I was wondering if I could get a lift..."

She looked him up and down, trying to figure out his deal then she smiled again.

"Where do you need to get too son?"

"My Eomma is in hospital in the next town over, I have no money to go to her...Could you help me?"

Her face softened and she nodded.

"Hop in."

Jungkook smiled and opened the car door, climbing in and placing his bag on his lap after fastening his seat belt. Together they pulled away and Jungkook looked back at Taehyungs street, his heart dropping.

The drive was full of talk, the woman who Jungkook learned was called Yumikoo asked about his Eomma...Jungkook would tell her about the woman he loved, telling her stories and making them out to seem recent. He liked this woman she was friendly and he learned she had twin girls who were aged seven.

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