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Early the next day.

Jungkook stepped out of the cab outside the hospital, he thanked the driver and waited while he drove away, then he turned and looked up at the imposing building that his love was currently inside off.

He wondered if he's woken up yet. Wondered if he had been told about their baby...their baby, that sounded so weird to Jungkook...He was going to be a father...It was almost all he could think about on the plane over here.

That's not all he had thought about. He was trying to figure out what to do with his gallery. His employees counted on him. He was their wages, their lifeline, he couldn't just up and sell up.

He really had no idea what he should do about that aspect of his life. He could always hire a manager to oversee the place, but that wouldn't be the same as being there, seeing the happiness on his customers faces when they looked at the painting's he placed on the wall.

He would have to ask advice on this because now Tae' was carrying his child, he would be there for him.

Making his way inside he looked around...He really had no idea where he should go in this huge building and was about to ask someone when...


He turned to face Tae's father and immediately lowered his head. After all he had gotten his son pregnant out of wedlock, and that was a big no in his culture.

"M...Mr. Kim?"

What he wasn't expecting was a chuckle and he looked up into the eyes of a man he respected.

"No need to be shy Jungkook, what's done is done. Come on, lets take you too him, he woke up not long ago."

"You didn't tell him he's pregnant did you?"

Namjoon shook his head.

"My husband told me you asked us not too. Jungkook...?"

The older male stopped and placed a hand on the youngers arm.

"Are you going to be there for him through this? Can you marry him?"

"Of course I'll be there for him Mr. Kim, I wanted to marry him a year ago, but I got scared and ran away." He lowered his head only to have it raised by a pair of long fingers.

"You can't run away from this Jungkook, there are two lives on the line here now not just one...Tae' needs you, I've seen how he misses you when you aren't around. When he came home the last time he was distracted, wouldn't eat and locked himself away in his home all day. It was by sheer luck we had forced him to our home to feed him when he collapsed. I didn't like seeing my son that way Jungkook."

Jungkook lowered his head even more, the guilt eating him up. But he decided to be brave and looked up at the kindly older man.

"So what do I do about my studio Mr. Kim, I have people who rely on me to be paid every month, I have deals that I'm currently working on that require a lot of time...How can I just abandon them?"

Joon sighed and placed his hand on Jungkooks shoulder. The younger looked at him.

"I understand what you are saying, but there is this remarkable device called a phone, or if you want to be special you can do something called video conference. There are always ways to handle situations like this."

The older was smirking, a very Taehyung style smirk and Jungkook couldn't help but smile at him.

"I guess, this is going to take some getting used to...I've never had to deal with anything like this before."

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