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Taehyung walked through the door later that day, his bag slung over his shoulder and the baby snuggled into his free arm, removing his shoes he walked to the kitchen to grab a bottled water and the baby began whimpering. Looking down at him he smiled.

"What do you want Taekook? Hungry?"

The babies cry grew louder and Taehyung grinned at the doll.

"Ok, Ok I get the picture."

Walking into the living area he placed the doll gently on the sofa while he grabbed the feeding bottle. Walking back to the baby he looked at the bottle and saw it had three settings on it...The first was heat, the second temp and the third clean. So pressing the heat button a tiny green light lit up and he placed it down, wondering if it would beep or he would have to decided for himself if it was ready...Giving it a few minutes he pressed the heat button again then the temp.

He had read in the manual that the ideal temp was 98.6 degrees farenheit so he prayed it was ok...Looking at the tiny display the temp read 97.5 degrees and he figured that would do, so he picked his 'son' up and placed the bottle to his lips.

He chuckled as a cute sucking sound was heard and the babies lips moved around the bottle like an actual baby would do...He watched him 'drink' and found him adorable.

In ten minutes the baby's lips stopped moving and Tae' scanned the manual reading that he should wind the baby, so placing it on his shoulder he tapped his back gently like the diagrams showed...In no time a cute belch was heard making Taehyung chuckle.

Not long after that a snore was heard from the baby and he placed him down on the sofa gently and picked the bottle up and pressed 'Clean' before placing it down and grabbing the logbook that came with the baby, writing down what he had done.

He looked at the wall clock and noted the time, realising his parents would be late he decided to go and make dinner, so standing he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the ingredients he would need...Ten minutes later and he heard a cry coming from the living area so he turned off the heat on the stove and rushed to his 'son'.

He chuckled as the baby's legs and arms were going up and down so he picked him up and gently rocked him.

"What's up buddy, tell Eomma." He said and chuckled. "You can't be hungry again...shall I check your diaper?"

The doll continued to cry, so gently rocking him he grabbed the baby bag that came with the doll and looked through it, finding a clean material diaper inside and baby wipes.

"Does it actually fill the diaper?" He said wondering.

Chuckling he laid the baby safely on the sofa and removed his clothes carefully, then the diaper, taking note of how it was placed in the first place and noted that the diaper was indeed wet.

Chuckling he removed the wet diaper and grabbed a wipe, cleaning the baby's privates carefully before replacing the diaper with the clean one and fastening the safety pins, then dressing the doll and placing it down gently on the sofa, blocking it with a cushion so he wouldn't fall of the furniture.

The baby stopped whimpering and Taehyung watched it for a moment before soft snores were heard again and he stood.

Grabbing the wet diaper he rushed to the downstairs bathroom and rinsed it over before placing it on the towel warmer. He wrote down what he had done in the log. Then he made his way back to the kitchen to continue with dinner.

Half an hour later and dinner was made, he placed his parents meals in the food warmer and sent them a text telling them he had cooked then ate his own. Once finished he washed the pots and went to go grab his bag and 'son' so he could go and do his homework.

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