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One month passed and the wedding was soon closing upon them. Jungkook had moved into Tae's house and had arranged a manager for his studio back in America. He had flown out the week before to pack up some of his things and had arranged for them to be delivered for the week after the wedding

Before he left Korea he had visited his new studio and met the staff there, they were all nice and kind people. He had answered a call while there, explaining he was the new owner and had set up a meeting with someone who sounded familiar to him, the name rang a bell, but he would wait to meet this person a couple of days before the wedding to see if his hunch was correct. But for now he would concentrate on taking care of his man first.

The day of the meeting arrived. He was currently lying in Tae's arms awake, watching his baby sleep. Moving carefully he pulled him into his body and kissed his forehead, then his nose and finally his lips. He pulled back to see a smile on Tae's lips making him chuckle.

"Wake up sleeping beauty."

Tae's eyes opened and he simply looked at his man, with love in his eyes.

"I could wake up this way every day" He said smiling at Jungkook, whose heart raced at his words.

"Well unfortunately I have to rise and shine my love, I have a meeting to attend."

Tae' pouted and snuggled more into Jungkook's hard body making the younger smile."

"Can't you put that off till after the wedding?"

"Tae', it'll only take an hour, two at most...then I'm yours for the rest of the day...If you're like this now how will you be when I have to work everyday."

Tae' moaned and shook his head in Jungkook's chest making him smile again.

"You're so clingy baby, you know that?"

"Only for you."

Jungkook chuckled and raised his hand to lift Tae's face to see him.

"Want to go out later, we can go to that cafe you like and take a walk in the park?"

The smile on Tae's face made his morning and he was overcome with an urge to kiss him there and then, so he did.

Pushing him down on the bed softly he hovered over him, kissing him like it was their last time, Jungkook became lost in the kiss, his hands trailing through his hair, wanting to taste every part of his mouth...However Tae's moan broke into his desires and he shot up, panting as he looked at him.

"You're gonna kill me with love soon...I better take a shower."

Tae' pouted and his eyes went down, Jungkook followed.

"What am I going to do about this...You caused it you should cure it."

Jungkook bit his lip as he looked at the clock, he really had to get ready, so why not kill two birds with one stone. He reached over and took Tae's hand, grinning at him.

"Ever done it in a shower?"

Tae's pout turned upside down as he allowed Jungkook to pull him into the bathroom with him.

Jungkook was sat in his office, a huge smile on his face as he recalled the morning...It was quite the experience, pounding into his soon-to-be husband as the water rushed over thier bodies. He remembered Tae's screams and moans and could feel himself getting turned on again...But shaking his head he tried to stop thinking about him, his new client was arriving any second now and he had to be professional...He was a little clued up on what he was required to do, but still had to go over the details with his client.

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