Chapter Seventy Nine

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Chapter Seventy Nine – Zayn

Zayn groans as he tries to balance on his crutches, while he reaches for the chips in the back of Liam's cupboards, it's been two days since he left the hospital, but the crutches are still difficult to manage. His hands, are fine so holding them isn't the problem, the problem comes from the pain in his chest and torso, and his left upper arm, all of which have some serious injuries. A chuckle from behind him, makes Zayn turn his head to look , before he glares at Liam who's standing in the doorway, watching him. “Don't just stand there, help me” he spits, and Liam laughs moving to stand behind him, Zayn bites his lip, as Liam rests one hand on his hip, and reaches around him into the cupboard with his other, before stepping back and handing Zayn the bag. Zayn takes it in his hand before balancing again and making his way slowly towards Liam's living room, where he's been camped out all day. He can hear Liam following him, even as he sits back in his spot on the way too comfortable leather couch, but he doesn't acknowledge he's there not yet anyways. Liam sighs and flops beside Zayn, which makes him finally look to him, arching an eyebrow. Liam looks good too good, in a pair of baggy jeans and a tight fitting shirt, and Zayn bites his lip as he takes him in, Liam chuckles and reaches over to grab Zayn's hand in his own. Zayn huffs but doesn't pull his hand away, “I'll only be gone a couple hours, and I know you'll be alright here. But I have to go meet with management about when I go back on tour” Liam murmurs. Zayn narrows his eyes but nods his head, “I know, but I want you to stay” he mumbles, picking at his cast with his free hand, it's itchy and drives him crazy, he now knows what Liam was going through with his on his arm a few weeks ago.

Liam is suddenly crowding into Zayn's space and kissing him gently, Zayn doesn't waste time before he's kissing back, as Liam attempts to deepen the kiss. Liam pulls away suddenly and Zayn pouts at him as he does, making Liam chuckle, “you're cute” he mumbles leaning forward to peck Zayn's lips again. “'m not” Zayn mumbles, Liam laughs and nods slowly, “love when you wear my clothes” he whispers. Zayn blushes as he looks down at the pair of Liam's sweatpants he's wearing (they're loose enough to fit over his cast), and Liam's hoodie which he stole this morning when he woke up, before shaking his head at Liam, who nods. Zayn shakes his head, again and pouts, Liam smiles at him, kissing him gently again, “I have to go, but I promise when I get back we can do anything you want. Why don't you sketch while I'm gone?” he murmurs, Zayn pouts at him whining a little as Liam pulls away to stand up. He knows he's not being fair that Liam has to go do some work, but he doesn't care that he's being selfish, he just wants Liam to stay and keep taking care of him. Liam sighs as he moves towards the door, “I left your pills and a bottle of water on the coffee table” he says, Zayn huffs and crosses his arms, but doesn't answer. Liam frowns and shakes his head “I love you. I'll see you soon” he says gently, Zayn sighs and turns so he's looking at Liam, “I love you too, be careful” he answers, “always am” Liam answers before he disappears, and Zayn hears the door open, and close again.

Zayn's sitting on the floor, his broken leg stretched out to the side, as he sketches at the table, he needs to get some new material done, and get it to London Arts soon. He knows Liam explained everything to Astrid, who told him to take his time, but he's suddenly been struck with the urge to draw again, now that he's alone. He's not entirely sure how this will turn out, as he took some of his medication about thirty minutes ago, and he knows it makes him a little crazy sometimes. But he's sketching happily, while he looks up, out of Liam's window every few seconds to check what he's drawing, he's sketching the view from Liam's apartment, the mix of buildings and trees, is stunning, especially with the way the sun is hanging low in the sky right now. He's completely wrapped up in what he's doing and has been for the past two hours since Liam left for his meeting. He doesn't hear the door, not at first, and he doesn't hear the footsteps, and voices as they come up the hall towards him, so he jumps, and lets out squeal when a hand rests on his shoulder.

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