A Fear Of Flames

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"He can't survive!" The Alpha's voice rang out again.

It seemed to come from all directions, echoing and taunting my brain. The heat made my brain want to melt from stress and disbelief of the situation I was in.

"Feurige!" I yelled.

He was staring glass eyed at the fire, and whining occasionally. The red wolf heeded none of my calls. He needed to snap out of it now. There were hisses and crackles all around as the fire burned closer. I jumped into the air a quickly pumped my wing to get away from the smoke.

My throat itched and my eyes stung. Up here was worse than down here. I coughed, and dove downward. Several wolves were circling the fire. Including Shakira, who's maw was foamy with spittle, as she ran in excited circles. I landed clumsily on a tree branch, there had to be some way I could stop this! Feurige couldn't die, he was far to important right now, where were my friends?

I could see the alpha's den and the two wolves that surround it. They were focused entirely on the fire, watching intently. I could also see the frightened faces of the Claws, peering from within. What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to break Feurige from his trance?


I was thrown back into the past the moment the curling orange tongues took flight. I could remember, the flames, the night of my parent's death. I've had this nightmare before, but never to this extent of detail.

I could see their faces. Trapped inside the den as it was consumed by the maw of a dragon. I could smell the sweat. and fear scent radiating off myself. my mother's last words, run. Someone was screaming my name. My ears were filled with a maddening buzz. I whined, it wouldn't go away. My head hurt, my eyes burned, my lungs ached. I was thrown into a hectic coughing fit. Then a figure walked through the fire.

He was a black wolf. with his intense, blood red eyes set on me. I growled, but it came out as a whine. He could smell my fear scent. I tried to back away, but the black wolf kept coming closer. My heart pounded as the flames drew nearer.

"Silly wolf, you're no more than a dog," He growled.

My breaths came faster and faster. fear and adrenaline gorging at my common sense. I could feel my instincts react to his challenge. My fear was suddenly pushed aside, and a weak growl escaped into the smoke filled air.

He laughed, and began circling me. "This will be, delicious."

He lunged, and my racing heart beat so loudly I felt as if I would drown in the noise. Time slowed down as my vision went dark, and a brain roaring howl shook my weak, smoke filled lungs. Then I felt his jaws close around my neck.


I swooped downward, and flew just above the flames. Screaming Feurige's name at him. I gasped as another wolf appeared. Completely black and much larger than my furry friend. I was forced the fly out as the smoke became to much. When I was about to make another dip, and earsplitting howl shook my brain. I launched myself off the tree. Down below, I gasped, Feurige was changing. His white patches disappeared, and he became a darker shade of red. I gasped a second time when I realized he looked just like Ignis. The ancient wolf must have temporarily taken over, now they were fighting. Both wolves seemed unprohibited by the fire, and I was surprised when twice, they actually walked right through it.

Now that Feurige, or Ignis, had things a little bit under control, I had to deal with the fire. How in the world was I going to put it out? I paced on my branch, feeling stressed and exhausted. I realized everyone was distracted by the fire, I could rescue my friends. I dropped and glided down, landing neatly along the forest floor. I slinked along the outskirts, a downside of being nearly completely white is most Claws can see you coming. It only meant I had to try harder.

My belly pressed against the ground as a familiar, but powerful scent became aware to me. Sage, I could see the wolf camp was surrounded with it, very smart. I rubbed against it, and went in for the rock tower that made up the alpha's den. Whether it was just my luck, or pure coincidence, the guards were no longer there. I peeked inside, then ran in to greet my friends.

"Guys, are you all right?" I asked, making out their furry forms in the dim light.

"Zach? Thank Suka you're alive, something's happened to Kennon, Annabeth, and Ocaso," Jay informed.

"Are they hurt?"

"No, their eyes started glowing, then the passed out." It was Sarah's voice this time.

"We have to get out of here, Feurige is battling some wolf, but he's turned into Ignis-"

"Who is Feurige?" Asked Lysander.

"Ignis? The great Wolf?" Gasped Skylark.

"I'll explain later, right now, we need to leave!" I softly bit into Ocaso scruff and started dragging him away. The others followed my lead. And when we emerged into the sunlight again, I was surprised to see the fire had died down.

But something worse awaited my eyes. The huge black wolf was standing with his mouth foaming, and fur prickled, over the still body of Feurige.

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