Wings Of Enlightenment

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"Really!' I gasped, relief flowed over me.

"I think, it's just a theory-"

"Anything, as long as it's something," I cut him off.

He nodded. And Sierra excused us and continued filling everyone in on what had happened. Where Kennon dropped his bag he had dug a small and shallow dip in the earth, a large leaf had been lain over in act of a roof. Not bad looking, for a makeshift nest.

"The place, Eastern Coniurantum, is buzzing with so much Magyk, and it usually only comes from living things, trees, flower, stones." He said.

"Stones?" I don't think those were particularly 'living.'

He messed around in his bag, pulling out a small scroll, a shiny beetle, and a long black feather. "Only some, not all stones breath like they used too, and in Suka's time, they actually talked."

I would have to brush up on my history books, I realized. A good chief would know the legends of his people. Kennon started pulling out lots of tiny purple rocks, and placing them in
a circle around me.

"I've got a few spells that might work, but I might have to test a few,"

I nodded, Kennon referred to his paper again, then placed the beetle on my head, and the feather at my feet. I stared at it cross eyed.

"Hold still," he murmured.

He closed his eyes, "Motus," Kennon chanted. The purple stones started glowing. I felt something jolt in my chest, and the mark on my forehead reappeared. Then the stones were cast in black, and went back to normal. Kennon fluttered his eyes open again, stumbling.

"Are you okay?" I asked helping him up.

"Yes, this Magyk is much older and more powerful than mine, I only have one other that could match it's power, but, you may find yourself experiencing uncomfortable visions, this spell is not suitable for claws three years and up.... You get the basic gist?" He smiled weakly at me.

"Yes? I think so."

"Okay, hold on," he rearranged the position of the feather, took the beetle off my head, brought another feather out, this time it was pure white. He look finished, but when he hesitated, I have him a questioning look.

"Zach, I've been meaning to ask for a while,but have you and Zara ever experienced something, that you were sure only happened to you?"

I went on the defense. Immediately thinking of our telepathic bond, hearing each others thought when we felt strong emotions. But it only happened to us right?

"Like what?" I questioned.

He got that nervous look in his eye. I had seen it in Arroyo before, and in Regulus. And he fiddled with a stone in a panicked motion.

"I don't know, maybe something along the lines of hearing your sibling's thoughts..." The older claw glanced at me.

Then it struck me, it had happened to him too. Kennon had already suspected something, but now that it had happened to him personally he was inquiring wether he was right.

"It happened to you too?" I asked, somewhat bitterly, thinking it was only between me and my sister. Or was between me and her, since I had broken it.

"Yeah! But only once, I heard Arroyo's voice in my head, I thought I was going crazy!" He looked tremendously relived.

"Yeah, it first started with us sometime before Gorbachav became a problem."

"Wow, so this just keeps happening to you regularly, even now?"

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