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Tenebris was happy. As happy as evil could be. He was currently in the leader of the Anguis pack's body. He had finally discovered how to control masses of wolves to his bidding, and it was all because of the heirs.

He had taken them out of that cave, and in a cage made of wood and enforced with iron. Since he only had two left he needed to drain their power quickly. Then of course there was the ghost boy, and the older she-claw he sometimes used as a body. The she-claw was unimportant, but he planned on using the Young King to control and army of ghost as well as wolves.

He was about the take the small whiteish one out, when he felt a persistent itch. How could he have an itch? He didn't feel things like that. but it was there, just on the edge of his subconscious. Easy to ignore, so he did.

And suddenly the youngest heir appeared in front of him. He tried to scream and run, but there way now way out. Tenebris slowly slid into the young claw's subconscious, there like two, fresh, beating heart, were his sibling's minds.

The power here was extreme, it rolled off him in soothing waves. There was so much of it, and so much could be used for evil.

He opened a tap, and let the Kin Loqui Magyk pour into him. It was like bathing in a cold lake, and he soaked it up. The younger claw was like weak and unconscious, but that didn't matter. Tenebris was stronger now.

He teleported the White-claw back to his specially built cage, and sunk back into the wolf's body. He still had the power.

Testing it out, he reached out to every mind in the wolf pack. It would've hurt if he could feel pain. But instead he was ecstatic, he could give messages to wolves and they would obey them. Even if they didn't want, that what was so powerful about the heirs, they had unlocked mind control.

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