You Can Trust Me

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I yelped as the small voltage smacked me and I fell back. The smell of burning fur introduced itself to my nose and I wrinkled it in distaste.

Fulgura of corse was running around like a stricken hen.

"Oh my stars! Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt it, it just happens sometimes when I get over emotional. Wait. Were you touching my stuff?"

I pushed myself back up, wincing as I strained my injuries. "I was bored, did you write that poem?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Poem?"

I smoothed out my fur, which had started to stick up in odd places. Curse static electricity.

"Yeah," I ruffled through the papers and brought out the one I had been looking at.

Fulgura unwound a bit. When would I get her to trust me?

"Oh, that one, well, I suppose I should tell you. Otherwise I'll seem awfully shady." She sat down and wrapped her fluffy tail around her paws.

"I'm not exactly sure what it is, but in my dreams, there's always an old fox saying a few verses like this. I've managed to right down the words over the years, it's quite boring actually, having the same dream over and over again." She said.

"That reminds me, I think I've finally finished it." She reached one of her paws up and on one of the shelves there was a pool of dark liquid; blue berry juice.

Fulgura dipped her claws into it and began to unravel the scroll, to the very end of the old frayed thing. I watched curiously, this was same method Claws used to write.

She quickly scribbled down the last two lines, or what appeared to be the last ones.

Try to find the one that died.

Knowledge is the true power inside.

"You have any idea what that means?" Fulgura asked me.

I shook my head, something deep in the pit of my stomach was bothering me. Those words, the felt important, but in a chilling, cold way. Something evil was associated with this strange poem.

"How did you control the lightning like that?" I accused, wondering if she was a magycian.

She frowned, edging away from me a bit. "I can trust you, right?"

"You can trust me, Claws honor."

Fulgura looked relieved. "Star Above! You have no idea how long I've been alone here. It's maddening, then you come along, and I wasn't sure if I should tell you or not-"

"Fulgura, the lightning." I cut it. Great Glamora she was starting to be a real chatterbox now.

"Oh, well, I've always been able to do that, it's a form of Magyk isn't it?"

Fulgura squirmed, I could tell she had ben hoping for an answer to this for her whole life.

"Probably, I once met a magycian, he could probably tell you." I offered.

Her eyes lit up like, well, a lightning flash. "You know a magycian?"

A plan began to form in my mind. This could work. I needed to get back to that mountain and rescue the other heirs. Then I could introduce her to Kennon.

"Yes, and he's the brother of the friends I told you about. I'm sure if we managed to rescue them, he would most undoubtedly help you with your Magyk problem." I started to get up, but she stopped me.

"But you're still hurt, I can't let you walk, or fly." She protested, a few worried sparks zinging across her pelt.

I gritted my teeth. "You need to figure out what your dreams mean, and I need to find my brother. I can't wait a second more sitting here doing nothing."

Fulgura had another inner battle.

"Fine, but we're taking it easy Zara I swear to the stars if you hurt yourself I'll never forgive myself."

That made me feel better. Just a bit.

I'm coming back.

Yellow Light (Dragonfly #5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora