The Legend of Lupa

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"I can't believe this." He gasped.

"Feurige, pull it together, what does it say?" I begged, the weight of all our problems revolving round this one bone.

"Do you want the whole thing?" He asked.

"Yes please."

"Word for word, I just read it?"


"Okay okay. Once upon a happenstance, there was a wolf who's name was Lupa.

"She was beautiful, praised by many for her fair looks. That was before she committed crime against all wolf kind. Breaking the sacred rules of Ignis. She was trekking along a forest path when she happened upon two young, human pups."

The she-wolf blinked, crying softly under a bush were two humans. Quite literally left for the wolves. She tilted her head and leaned down to sniff them. They were scarcely newborns, only a few weeks old. Lupa knew she should kill them and bring them back to her pack's prey storage. But something in her was melting like the spring time snow.

She nestled down onto the ground and licked one's face. It stopped crying, looking up at her with wide eyes. Then it laughed, grabbing her nose vigorously. She snorted and it laughed harder.

She decided to bring them home.

That was her mistake. When she appeared back at her home she was ridiculed and shunned. Bit and snarled at. The two young human children were killed. She exiled after spending three months as the omega.

Lupa was miserable, angry, vengeful. Her heart had turned to stone after that encounter. Her family disowned her, along with her pack. She was marked as an Abiectio, which meant she was lower than pond scum.

She vowed revenge. It took weeks of careful planning. It was something no one had ever tried before, no one would dare. She was going to make sure they suffered like she did.

Ignis, who had died a few hundred years back, was sunning himself on a large rock. He stretched a wing out lazily, drooling onto the rarely found limestone. Of course being the Great Beast he is, Ignis was simply visiting the mortal world, in a spawned mortal body.

"Hey!" A sharp voice called out.

He lifted his head up and glanced down to the voice who had called him. It was she-wolf, corn-colored and spry. She looked angry.

"Yes?" He asked, flick his tail at her.

"You're laying on top of my den, get off." She growled.

"Oh, I'm dearly sorry." He smiled in mock glee. Then stood, jumping off the large rock in one mighty bound, spreading out his wings to slow his fall.

He waited for her face to contort to shock. Most wolves don't have a fifteen foot wingspan. She didn't, she just waited for him to get out of her way.

"Move it."

He tilted his head. "I'm sorry, we must have gotten off on the wrong foot, my name is Ignis." He flared his wings for emphasis.

She just laughed dryly. "Your parents have a sense of humor."

He wilted a bit. "Huh?"

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