The Final Battle

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Only hours later, a heaving, gasping brown wolf stumbled into camp. His fur was slick with sweat and spittle flew everywhere as he sucked in huge gasps of breath. His fur was torn off in places and he was bleeding.

Gregory was at the scene at once. "What happened?"

I recognized him as one of the scouts.

He shook and quivered. "Turtle and I were attacked by the Anguis, they're attacking our scouts! She... She... she's still back there!" He sobbed loudly. "She told me to run and warn the pack and I left her there."

A cold and creeping feeling crept over my heart. The sun was low to the ground and the sky was a dark orange. Tenebris wanted to attack in the dead of the night.

Gregory instantly turned to me. "I should have trusted you." Then directed his attention to a dark she-wolf.

"Freya, take your team and call back the rest of the free hunters and scouts. Everyone else old enough to hunt prepare yourselves. We're going to war!"

I watched with a pounding heart, as wolf after wolf followed him. Streaming out the small entrance like a sea of multicolored pelts, each with heavy heart and hardened faces. They knew they might not come back alive, and they were willing to sacrifice themselves for their family, their pack.

With a pang of longing, I realized I wanted this. I wanted to be part of one group, to be accepted. I wanted to lead a family like this.

Maddy walked over from where the rest of the Aqua pack waited uncomfortably. I had only become friends with her a few months before Zach found me, but she was special. She had looked past my walls of fear and insecurity, and I really liked her for that.

"Shakira died from the attack, we have no leader." She glanced back at the other wolves. "They don't know who to follow, who to listen too. Our pack is a mess Feurige."

"Wait, are you suggesting I take over as alpha. There's seriously not a single more capable wolf than me?" I gaped.

"They saw you walk through fire Feurige, they know you're special. I don't know exactly what's going on, but you've grown so much." She comforted, and licked my ear playfully.

I smiled, my fur growing warm. "I guess you're right."

I stepped forward, some on them pricked their ears. Other glared on and the rest ignored me.

"Alright listen up." I ordered.

"I want you to forget about any rumors you've heard, because I'm about to tell you the truth.

"There is an evil, one that used to live a long time ago, until a powerful wolf named Ignis defeated it. He's dead now, and his image has been twisted into something of a nightmare. That's not true, all you've heard about Lupa isn't true either, she was a big fake in the words of history.

"None of that really matters at this point, I'm just asking you to believe me for a bit. The point is, that same evil is back. He's the one that burned our home, killed our brethen and chased us from everything we hold dear. Gregory and his wolves know what they fight for. I'm asking you to stand alongside me and fight for everything you love."

I waited, by the end of my speech I at least had everyone's attention. Some were giving me rather odd look. I had just overturned everything they knew and handed it back ripped to pieces.

"I'll join you!" One wolf called out, a black spotted white male. He stood and took his place alongside me and Maddy.

"Me too!"

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