Sweet brother of mine (fto)

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I'm as shocked as u are that I'm posting on here lmao. I'm not really in the origins fandom anymore, but I'm slowly getting back into it.
If u wanna still see works of mine but about the dream smp instead, pls go check out Werewolf_Origins on ao3

Sorry if that sounds harsh but it is NOT a sexual thing and I just want to write without people making it seem weird, thanks)

The co-leader of Divinus Magia let out a sigh that was whisked away into the cool evening breeze. His white hair practically glowed beneath the moonlight. Glancing over the edge of the balcony, he was relieved to see that all his guild members seemed to have found their way to bed for the night. That meant more peace and quiet for him. Don't get the man wrong, Brandon absolutely adored his family, but they got a tad too much for him sometimes. Was it really so bad to just wish for moments like this? Unfortunately, luck was not on his side.

Stumbling footsteps, followed by the pained creak of the bedroom door swinging open, broke his train of thought. A glimpse of blue hair popped into his field of vision. The air mage rolled his eyes, before returning to admiring the silent view of their island. Of course Ritchie was drunk. He promised to go sober at least fifty times by now, yet each night ended the same way. Brandon was aware of how difficult it was to break out of the confines of addiction. How could he hell when his brother constantly pushed him away? Each time he tried to remove a bottle from the other's hand, it was replaced by two more. The duo barely spoke outside of business matters anymore, just like it had always been since they were reunited.

A sigh much more exasperated than any of his others was let out. Was it too much to ask for his twin back? Speaking of the devil, the patio door slowly slid open.
"Hello brother." he murmured to himself more than anything. As expected, he received no response. However, he was instead greeted by a gentle tug at the back of his cape. He turned around to see Ritchie curled in on himself as much as one can while standing, very obviously shaking and unable to stay still. The thing that truly captured his attention were the tears silently streaming down his face.

'Who. Hurt. My. Brother.'

No matter what terms they were on, seeing his other half suffering was always enough to send him over the edge.

"What's wrong? Who hurt you? Was it David? Mario? Kit?"
No response. More tears.
"Was it Devin...?"
"It was him wasn't it? I swear to god I'm gonna kill him."
Well that was an answer at least.
"It wasn't him?"
"Nu uh"
Brandon lifted a hand to carefully brush some of Ritchie's hair out of his eyes, making sure to also check his temperature. It was slightly warm, but nothing too concerning; definitely not a fever.
"You feeling sick bud? Come on, tell me what happened. Please."
"Feels fuzzy."
"Fuzzy? Oh you're drunk."
The previous concerned started to seep out of his bones, thinking that his brother must have just downed too much. Maybe he was feeling more nauseous than usual.

"Dwink? Nu I thirsty."
"Bwandy cuddle wit me?" the question was merely a whisper, delivered with nervous hope, like he was unsure of himself. That was very unlike Ritchie. Nearly everything he said sounded confident and certain. Another thing that threw Brandon off was the nickname; one that he hadn't heard since they both were five. The lightning mage always struggled to pronounce his 'r's when they were younger. To this day there were still times where he stuttered over them.

"Of course we can cuddle. I'm always free to cuddle with my favourite brother in the whole wide world." he followed up his promise by booping the other on the nose. A string of giggles flowed out of his brother, making him grin ear to ear. After he scooped his twin into a bridal style hold, the air mage flew inside their shared room, relishing in the squeals of excitement. Ritchie was placed delicately onto his own mattress and tucked in with great care. The love in his older brother's eyes made him feel absolutely giddy, so he started clapping his hands together. (As of right now Brandon was indeed mentally the oldest)

Age regression was not something Brandon was overly educated on. He liked to think he was an open guy, meaning he of course had no issue with it. Ignoring anything else, this was a far healthier coping mechanism than drinking. Searching through his memory, he recovered something about asking for the person's age.

"How old are you right now? Sorry if I'm misreading this or anything. I just wanna help?"
The boy stopped clapping, returning to his hunched in body language from earlier.
'No! No! No! Fuck how did I mess up already???'
"Bwandy mad?"
"No buddy, never. I love you, because you're my brother and I'll always be here for you."
"Pinky promise."
He held up his finger, letting Ritchie clumsily link their hands together. His brother loved to use these everytime they made a deal when they were little, which seemed to be the case now as well.
"Pinky pwomise!!!!"
"Shhh, inside voice please."
"It's alright Riri."
Another nickname from their childhood. It caused a huge beaming smile to spread across the younger's features. Clambering onto Brandon's lap, the boy returned to clapping his hands together and slightly bouncing.
"Now can you maybe answer my question?"
"Hmmm I thwee!"
"Wow! Such a little gremlin aren't ya?!"

The Diablos twins spent the next hour clinging to eachother, whilst wrapped up in a fluffy cyan duvet. High pitched squeals of joy, followed by excited, hushed cheers swirled around the room and into the night sky. Eventually, the regressor drifted off to sleep in his big brother's arms, soothed by his soft voice reciting children's stories to him.

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