Addicted (Fto 5)

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(Ritchie's pov)
I was sat on my bed, unsure of what to do with myself. All the paperwork had been finished for today, leading to me working on the whole week's worth. My brother told me to stop working and to go relax, so now I had been essentially banished to our room. I couldn't exactly go anywhere else. The rest of the guild was in the guildhall, chatting or messing around as they enjoyed eachother's company. I knew that if I went down there, the whole mood would shift. Though no one ever said it, I knew they all still hated me. Well, that wasn't entirely true, seeing as Kit made her thoughts on me clear every chance she got. She had every right to, so I just let her do it. At least she seemed happier now. I knew she'd never forgive me, meaning I had stopped attempting to apologise to her; this also meant I followed her wish of being left alone. David still gave me glares when we passed eachother, whereas Lucas seemed to want to run away from me. Luckily, I could at least have a civil conversation with Mario, but even then I could sense the hatred building up within him. All of the new members liked me briefly, until they were traumatised upon learning about what I did to Tapio.

So, I really have no one left to talk to......I mean I could try talking with Michael, but then I'd have to find him. There's She hates me too now, which I certainly can't blame her for after how I acted on the bridge. What's wrong with me? I suddenly felt a stinging sensation in my eyes. Growling angrily, I roughly wiped away the tears that were forming. Crying is weak. You know this. Idiot. I don't even deserve to be crying, seeing as I'm the one who hurt them all. It's MY fault. I felt my magic becoming unstable, with sparks of electricity circling me. My fists were now tightly clenched, as my head started screaming one word at me.


Without even realising, my feet began dragging themselves towards the door and oustide our bedroom. I didn't even bother to stop myself, simply allowing my body to take me where I desperately wanted to be. However, my senses slammed back into me when I arrived at the guildhall. Great......this is what I wanted to avoid. Everyone became silent when I entered, probably able to tell I was in a bad mood.

"Heya Ritchie."
Lucas was the first to greet me. Makes sense. He's polite. Strangely, David had a huge grin on his face as he walked towards me. It actually scared me a little.
"Uhh hi?"
"Wassup boss?!"
"Nothing much. Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Well, let's get Plant to show you."
I tilted my head slightly in confusion, while Plant charged towards me. They stopped directly infront of me, looking up with literal sparkles in their eyes. I gave them a small smile, before David started to speak.
"Plant, what is Ritchie?"
Chuckling a little in response, I listened to the rest of the guild burst into laughter. We all were now hanging out together just like old times. That was until I noticed Kit glare at me from across the room. I should go. I'm stopping her from having a good time with her friends.

With a quick wave goodbye, I storm blinked out of there. I let my emotions fully show again, scolding myself for bringing down the mood in the first place, then upsetting Kit. Finally, I arrived at the distillery. The smell of it alone was enough to drive me crazy. So many different alcohols in there, inside countless barrels, all of which are just waiting for me to find them. I felt my heart rate pick up significantly, as my mind raced through all my possible options. I could drink, hoping to not get caught or I could carry on walking past. I knew deep down that the second one was best for everyone, but I hadn't been drunk in over a week. I needed it so badly. It's just one drink. One drink, one drink will be fine. Nothing will go wrong. If I get too bad, then I'll find Brandon to sober me up. It's just one drink. Glancing behind me, I saw that was the coast was clear, causing me to practically leap inside, searching for whatever took my fancy.

I firmly grasped my hand around a bottle of beer, deciding to ease myself in slowly. Well, that was the original plan, even as I downed it in under ten seconds. Okay I should pace myself. Wait when did I have two more bottles in my hands? I downed another drink and another after that. Then another. Another. Another and another. It was like everything was finally falling into place, lifting the weight of the world off my shoulders. All I was aware of was the overwhelming urge to keep consuming alcohol. It made me feel happy; as close to happy as I could get at least. Then something pierced through my sensation of euphoria. Somone was crying. No....they were sobbing. These were violent, uncontrollable fits of sadness, all pouring out of this mysterious person. I should go make sure they're okay! My feet scrambled over eachother and the pile of bottles that had accumulated around me, before I was shakily standing somewhat upright. Swaying from side to side, I crept forwards, with no idea where I was headed. The sobbing was getting louder. chest hurts.....I can't breathe? Huh.

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