I'm sorry brother

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(Brandon's pov)
He stood there, enveloped in the suffocating, thick blanket of darkness. It had been months since he allowed his demons to take control, separating him from his guild and all his friends. Out of all the people he missed, the person he missed the most was his beloved brother. He missed waking up everyday to see those sparkling blue eyes, accompanied by that playful grin that never failed to brighten Brandon's day. I wonder how he's doing. Knowing him, he's probably searching for me. I just hope that he is still looking out for the guild.

He was abruptly torn from his thoughts by another presence suddenly appearing before him. When it spoke, its voice boomed throughout the empty space, sending a shiver down the sky devil slayer's spine.
"Hello there my little toy."
"I am not your toy." Brandon snarled in response.
"Oo look who has a temper." it giggled, clearly delighted that it had gotten under his skin.
He clenched his fists, frustrated that there was nothing he could do to escape from this demon's clutches.
"I actually have some special news for you." its mouth curled up into a smile.
"What do you mean?"

The demon raised its arm, causing a ripple amongst the void, which released a blindingly bright light. Brandon stumbled backwards, shocked by this sudden change of scenery. When the light cleared, what he saw was even more of a surprise. He didn't know what to do and simply stood there unable to process what he was seeing. Before him, was his brother. As he reached out to him, his hand went straight through Ritchie.
"N-no! What is this???!"
He heard laughter from behind him.
"That is just an illusion my little toy. Besides, he looks much different now from what you remember."
Feeling extremely confused, Brandon opened his mouth to question this, but then the image of his brother morphed into something else.

Ritchie was sat down at the bar, sipping from a glass of beer. He looked terrible to say the least. His hair was a mess and heavy bags were under his eyes, looking just as bad as Michael's usually did. Tears were streaming down his face and the sadness in his eyes was horrifying to see. His clothes hung loosely on his body. That's when Brandon noticed just how skinny he was; it looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

The sky devil slayer felt the cold touch of water slip down his cheeks. Tears escaped one by one, blurring the vision of his brother. Collapsing down onto his knees, he heard himself let out desperate sobs of pain, seemingly coming from another person. He felt as though he was no longer in control of his actions, as his body dragged itself along the floor, closer to his twin. More than anything, he wanted to hold Ritchie in his arms and tell him everything was okay, but that was impossible. His brother was alone at their guild hall, whilst he himself was who knows where.

"Look what you've done to him."
Stumbling onto his feet, Brandon turned to face the demon, rage fuelling his every movement.
"You left him all alone. For all he knows, you're dead!" it sounded so happy with that last statement.
He realised that thing was right. Ritchie was probably thinking at this very moment that he was dead, or that he abandoned him and was never coming back. Lowering his head, he sat down cross legged on the ground, facing away from the demon.
"Leave. You've done enough." he tried his hardest to keep his tears from returning, keeping his voice as steady as he could manage.
"Very well. Hehe, time to go have some more fun!"

Without warning, there was a sudden large gust of wind, throwing Brandon's hair around and sending a shiver throughout his body. Normally, he found comfort amongst the cool, calming winds of the sky, but this was very different. It was cold, biting into his skin with no mercy. Now that he was alone, he allowed his emotions to show on the surface, once again feeling tears fall down his face and hearing them splash on the floor. Closing his eyes, he made a promise to himself and the person closest to him.

I am making a promise to you now Ritchie. No matter what, I will find you and we will be together again. I love you brother.

(No one's pov)
Unknown to Brandon, countless miles away, a certain lightning mage began to stir in his sleep. Lifting his head up from the bar it had been resting on, the blue haired male faintly heard a voice speaking to him. It sounded so much like his brother. In his drunken state, he simply shrugged it off as a hallucination, but it did give him great comfort in that moment. He drifted back off to sleep, with a faint smile on his face and one thought filling his mind.

I love you too, brother.

(Author's note)
Idk what this is. It just came to my mind about how Brandon would react if he saw the state Ritchie is in. I really do hope that they reunite next season TwT

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