Ice boy meets rocks for brains

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(David's pov)
"UGH, YOU'RE BEING COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE!!!" David screamed at the two guild leaders who stood before him.
As he struggled to contain another outburst, he noticed one of the two was glaring at him. A pair of deep blue eyes dug directly into his soul, freezing him to the spot he stood. He found himself relating to a mouse caught between a cat's claws, slowly tiring itself out attempting to escape. The man smirked at him as he began to squirm from discomfort.

Glancing downwards, David noticed Ritchie's fists were clenched, causing his hands to turn bright red.
"H-hey...I....uhhhhh.." was all he managed to stammer out, before his guild leader began to speak.
"How DARE you. Not only did you refuse to follow a direct order, you also screamed at us while doing so."
What was he supposed to do now? David was finding it more and more difficult to breath. From inside his chest, he felt his heart trying to tear its way through his body and make a run for it. In all honesty, he wished he could do the same in that moment.

The air around him became static. Small, luminescent sparks could be seen dancing around the three members of Divinus Magia. They seemed to be crawling their way closer to David. He wasn't the only one who noticed this.
"Brother, that is enough. There is no need for this." Brandon stated calmly, whilst stepping infront of Ritchie. He then placed his hand upon his brother's shoulder. The sparks began to fade, before gracefully falling to the ground. Closing his eyes, Ritchie took a deep breath, steadying himself, before facing David once more.

"You will go on this mission and I don't care if it's beneath your level. We decide what you can handle. As of right now, you've proved that you can't be trusted with anything bigger than this." the guild leader spoke in an annoyed tone, but it was still a relief compared to his previously boiling anger.
"Fine, I'll do it." was all that David could build up the courage to say.

One hour later

(Still David's pov)
He had been walking for an hour now. Where the hell was this village? All he had seen for at least half an hour was the thick vegetation of vast forests. Ancient oak trees loomed over him at great heights, occasionally allowing thin rays of light to slip through the canopy. Beneath his feet, leaves crunched and twigs snapped, creating an echo amongst the silence. Occasionally, he spotted patches of flowers scattered around the forest floor. They were various colours, that were so mesmerising that he nearly forgot about his mission. He shook his head and returned to walking onwards. Despite how uneasy he had expected himself to feel, he found himself admiring how lovely the place really was. If only he could see it better. David came to a sudden stop once he realised that he wasn't alone. Immediately, he spun around on his heel; he then entered a fighting stance.

"Whatever you are, come out." he called out into the darkness. He received no reply, so he decided to try again.
"Come out now before I make you. Trust me, you don't want to fight me."
"And why is that?" an unknown voice asked tauntingly under the cover of shadows.
"Reveal yourself and you can find out." David replied with an equally confident air about him. Suddenly, there was a thud to his left. A large boulder was hurtled towards him, sending him flying into the closest tree. He felt his bones crack in numerous places, sending a tingling sensation throughout his entire body. Groaning from the pain, he stumbled to his feet, swaying slightly as he faced his attacker.

He was greeted with the sight of an average sized man, who seemed to be around his own age. David noticed that he had midnight black hair, the front being held up by a golden bandana. It reminded him strongly of the one Ritchie always wore. The man had emerald green eyes that shined every time the sunlight hit their surface. His clothes were covered in dirt and mud, as they hung loosely to his body. Upon further inspection, David noticed just how skinny this guy was. When was the last time he ate? He shook his head clear of these thoughts. This was an opponent standing between him and his mission; it didn't matter if he was okay or not. However, a familiar voice  reached out to him in his thoughts.
"Our guild accepts all those who want to right their wrongs, just like we do."

That was what Ritchie always told him. He let out a frustrated sigh, before being forced to dodge yet another boulder.
"Listen buddy, I don't wanna fight you." David tried to reason with him, but was simply met with a sea of pebbles flying towards him. Raising his arm, he deflected this attack with a wall of ice.
"Ugh just fight back!" the man snapped as a response to his attacks constantly being ignored.
"Just listen to me! I want to help you!"
"How the hell could you help me?! And why should I trust a random dude I just met!" his eyes held a blaze of fury within them, following David's every movement.
"Because I was once like you. I was lost, scared and alone. I'm guessing you're a criminal on the run." this statement received a look of shock from the man standing across from him.
"H-how did you kn-know that?" his tone had completely changed: from intimidating to vulnerable.
"Because, like I said, I was once like you. We can help you."
"We?" his eyes darted around the forest, searching every patch of darkness for a hidden attacker.
"I am part of a guild called Divinus Magia, where criminals can change their lives around. Where people like us are given a second chance." David continued to explain and the man became more relaxed as he did so.

"By the way, I'm David, what about you?"
"My name is Mario."
"I think I'll just call you something easier to remember. How about rocks for brains? Yeah that has a nice ring to it." David was grinning as he watched Mario grow more annoyed every second.
"Alright then ice boy."
Both of them shared a look of amusement, their eyes locking on to eachother.

(No one's pov)
The world around them had started to fade into the majesty of the night. Beautiful and vibrant trees began to turn into snarling beasts; their claws desperately trying to catch any prey they could. A gentle breeze sent small woodland critters dashing into their homes. The chill in the air was enough to put anyone on edge. It changed the welcoming paradise, filled with flowers of such a kind to awe anyone who is lucky enough to set their eyes upon them. It changed it to a distant land, far different than before, a place that shunned all beauty. Emerging from the forest came two young men, arguing over why one of them was randomly shirtless. These two would one day become the best of friends....well....close enough.

(Author's note)
Wow this one is a lot longer than my last one and I'm sorry for that lol. I'm really proud of this though and I hope you enjoyed! I don't know how often I'll get the inspiration to write like this so appreciate it while you can XD

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