The ultimate betrayal (OoO 2)

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The necklace had corrupted and essentially taken control of Momiji, causing her to attack her fellow campers. They were all trying to stop her, but everyone was hesitant to cause her any harm. Suddenly, Ricarro placed himself directly in her line of sight. She stared menacingly down at him, with no sense of warmth in her now emerald green eyes.

"Honey? Can you hear me?"
Momiji froze where she stood.
"I know you would never hurt me. I banana you, remember?"
He chuckles quietly to himself, tears slipping down his cheeks.
"And you-"
"I apple you."
Ricarro's eyes lit up in the purest form of joy you can imagine, before he pulled his girlfriend into a hug.
He let her compose herself, until she surprised him, by leaning down slightly so she could whisper into his ear.
"You are so naive."
Before he could even begin to question this, a sharp pain appeared in his chest, forcing a cry of pain out of him.

He heard muffled screams of anger, as his body fell to the ground with a thud. Everything had become a blur. Something that sounded like explosions made the ground tremble furiously beneath him. He heard blades of metal clanging against eachother in the distance. His chest was rising and falling slowly, however this was becoming more of a struggle with each passing second. All he was aware of was an unbearable pain, while he tried his absolute hardest to stay awake. It was too much. He couldn't do it. He's always been too weak. Wait, was he moving? A familiar face came into his limited field of vision. This person's mouth was moving, yet no sound came out, despite that being impossible.

"-carro! Ricarro! Can you hear me?! Please stay with me!!!"
Ricarro's voice was soft and barely audible. Immediately after speaking, he started choking on the blood spilling out of his throat.
"Hey, take it easy buddy. It'll be okay I promise., your dad is right here."

Xylo held the small demon protectively, pulling him close to his chest. The other campers were fighting Momiji not too far behind them. He himself had charged in blindly, consumed with rage, but that quickly backfired. Instead, he rushed to his son's side, his eyes darting around the battlefield, desperately searching for Kay. If anyone could heal him it would be her, or maybe even Mania. He would gladly take just about anyone right now. All of a sudden, he heard more coughing from Ricarro; this lot worse than the last.

"I-it hurts s-s-so much."
"I know, I know. I'm gonna get you help. Please just hold on a little longer."
"I c-can't...."
"Yes you can!" Xylo exclaimed in a panic, subconsciously tightening his grip on Ricarro. He recieved a slight shake of the head in response. Then all he could do was watch in horror as the body in his arms became limp, with the ghost of a smile on the demon's face.
He shook his lifeless form.
By this point he had stopped trying to get Ricarro to wake up and he was now just screaming at his corpse.
"COME ON!! Say hi! Hii!! Say I'm you're dad! Say you want chicken nuggies! Say SOMETHING!!!"

The son of Hades screamed until his throat was too sore to carry on. His sobs of pain echoed around the now silent battlefield. Everyone stared in shock at the sight before them, reactions varying throughout the crowd. Bryan was crying whilst he clung to Inpu. Lychee stood there in a stunned silence, an unexplainable anger coursing through his veins. Cal had collapsed onto the ground, violently shaking and shouting at himself for failing to protect Ricarro: he broke his promise.

A short distance away from everyone else, Momiji was back to her normal self. She couldn't tear her eyes away from her dead boyfriend.
He was dead.
Her boyfriend was dead.
Ricarro was dead.
She killed him.
She killed Ricarro.

She killed the love of her life.

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