It's all your fault(part 2)

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(Ruby's pov)
Johnathan was right. It was all her fault that Brandon was gone. Dashing to her office, she slammed the door behind her violently. Her emotions were overflowing, as if she was about to burst. Tears trickled down her cheeks, eventually growing into a full stream that had no sign of stopping. Ruby collapsed onto her knees. She didn't even care if her sobs could be heard. All she wanted was to escape from this unforgiving world. Was this all a punishment for the countless people she and her brother had slaughtered? They weren't in control back then. Could they really be blamed? Well she knew the answer to that question, for she had been battling with it for years. Yes.

They were to blame. At least, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were. Brandon used to remind her that they were now reformed and the past was in the past. He always knew how to keep her calm. Without him, she didn't know how to keep her emotions under control. She lashed out far more often than usual, over the simplest of things. It felt as though she was constantly falling through a deep empty void, straying further away from herself. Most of the time, Ruby didn't even recognise herself; she wasn't the same person anymore. Her cheery and bright personality was now plastered over what was beneath. No one could see what was really happening inside her mind.

Her brother had always seen past any facades she put in place to hide her suffering. He was always there for her without even being asked. Ruby found herself longing for Brandon's arms to be wrapped around her in that moment. She wanted to hear his low, calm voice. She wanted to regain that constant sense of safety and comfort. She wanted so much, but none of it was possible. Her brother was gone and there was nothing she could do to bring him back.

All of a sudden, something from the real world caught her attention. Something in the corner of the room reflected the sunlight towards her. She stood up and went over to investigate. It was a blade that had been left on her desk. Twirling the weapon in her hand, many thoughts crossed her mind. One of the most prominent was something she would never admit to thinking. She remained like that for a few minutes, as she contemplated what to do with it. Then, the blade came to a stop. Her hands had stopped fiddling with it and were carefully holding the weapon. Moving infront of the mirror, Ruby thought back to Grandmaster Johnathan had said.

It hadn't been the first time. He constantly told her that she was a liability compared to the other guild leaders. She had never told anyone this, because she believed it all to be true. He constantly reminded her that she was a girl, therefore she was weak. Ruby wondered if he had ever spoken to Bri in such a manner. Knowing her, Johnathan would be slaughtered if he did. That just proved that she was the weakest. No one else had to be told to take it easy. Nobody questioned if the other guild leaders could handle their duties. If Brandon had been the one to lead on his own, he would've been just fine.

The blade began to spin in her hand once more. She glanced down at it, a weak smile slowly spreading across a face. Slowly,she lifted the blade.

(Michael's pov)
He couldn't believe Johnathon would say that to her. Who gave him the right??! Michael was so angry at him for insulting Ruby. Though he would never reveal this to anyone, he had grown quite attached to his fellow guild leader. After all, they had been best friends for years. Yet for some reason, lately his views on her had changed. He hadn't felt this way about somone since he first fell in love with his wife. She was no longer alive, aswell as the child they had together. Michael had eventually come to realise and accept that. It had been tough, though he knew it was for the best. Occasionally, he felt his heart sting, from memories that flooded his mind when he was deep in thought.

He stood still and allowed the shadows to envelop his body, transporting him to his desired destination. A rush of adrenaline empowered him, coursing through his bloodstream. The shadows were often cold and distant towards humans, yet they welcomed him with open arms. Opening his eyes, he watched as the shadows crawled away from him. They scattered off into different patches of darkness nearby.

Michael observed the area around him. He had successfully made it to Divinus Magia, not that he had expected any different. Now to check on Ruby. Passing by a few guild members, he exchanged mandatory pleasantries. He pushed open the door of the old guild hall and stopped dead in his tracks. Loud sobs could be heard from the floor above. Upon registering the sounds he was hearing, he dashed towards the staircase. As he came to the door of Ruby's office, he noticed it was unlocked. Gently nudging it open, Michael stepped into the room, which caused his fellow guild leader to jump in surprise. A loud clang could be heard from the blade that had slipped from her hand to the ground. Tears were filling her eyes and her face was bright red. However, none of those things were what startled him the most. Her long beautiful hair, that usually flowed down to her waist, was now a similar length to his own.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" he asked as he approached her. She didn't respond and instead placed her head in her hands, beginning to cry even more.
"Hey, hey it's okay. Everything is gonna be okay." Michael continued to comfort her, whilst walking over to her and hugging her. He held her close to him, feeling her body tremble; she was using him as support to remain upright. He delicately placed a hand under her chin, so that he could lift up her head to face him.
"Please just talk to me. I'm here for you, I promise."
It took her a moment of attempting to gather her composure, before she gave up and answered with a unsteady voice.
"I just b-be seen as a g-guy....strong...." she buried her face into Michael's chest. Clearly, this was a struggle for her to be open about.
"Why would you need to be a guy to be strong? You are a girl and you're one of the most bad ass people I've ever met. There's a reason people are terrified of you and let me tell you it's not because you pulled off some petty magic trick." Ruby chuckled a little at this, causing Michael to smile.
"I's's hard not to d-doubt yourself when so many others do."
Her eyes seemed to become glazed over, causing her to seem emotionless and Michael felt his heart break at the sight. He felt her arms wrap tightly around him, presumably as an act to gain comfort.

"I'm sorry..." she muttered into his shoulder.
"Why are you apologising? You've done nothing wrong."
"I'm unloading my problems on you and I should be able to handle it on my own. As a guild leader, I just need to learn to deal with it. You can leave now." Ruby finished this with gently pushing Michael away from her, walking over to the window behind her desk. For a moment, he merely stood there dumbfounded, until his best friend once again started to cry. He swiftly made his why across the room. Standing behind her, he hugged her, whilst whispering into her ear.
"Ruby, you are one of the bravest and strongest people I have ever met. Everytime I feel down, I think of how confident you always are. You could easily take on any of the supposedly deadliest guys out there. Also, Grandmaster Johnathan doesn't know what he's talking about."
"H-how did you know about that?!" Ruby had spun around with widened eyes.
"I was heading over to speak with him about my guild's finances and I overheard everything."
" he right? Am I too weak to be a guild leader?" She asked looking up to him with tears in her beautiful ocean blue eyes.

Michael felt himself turn bright red. Taking a moment to regain his posture, he then managed to give her an answer.
"He is absolutely wrong. You are the best guild leader I know."
"The best?" she replied with a smirk. There was the smile Michael adored so much.
"Why of course. Well besides me."
Ruby shoved him over into her desk, causing both of them to burst out laughing.

He found himself smiling at how much happier she seemed. However, there was a burning hatred boiling up inside of him. Johnathan was going to pay for making her doubt herself so much. Suddenly, he felt a hand gently touch his own.
"Hey are you okay? You kinda zoned out for a second there...." her voice was full of concern.
"Yeah, I'm just really annoyed at Johnathan for what he said to you."
He watched her expression darken. Quickly, he decided to change the subject. Without really thinking about what he was doing, he picked up Ruby in his arms and began to spin around.
"What are you doing?!"
"Haha did I startle you?"
"Ummm yes you weirdo." she started to giggle but gave no further complaints.
Eventually, Michael stopped and lowered her to the ground, yet he still held onto her, as did she. All of a sudden, he felt a pair of lips on his own. He simply stood there in shock as Ruby took a step back.
"Thankyou for helping me, my love." she winked at that last part, making Michael blush once again.

(Author's note)
I hope you enjoyed this! I really enjoyed writing it, as you can see from how long the chapter is lol. Feel free to leave requests, though bare in mind that I mainly write about Divinus Magia and mostly Ritchie.

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